
Bayern: SPD will receive Schulstartbonus für ärmere Families

Bayern: SPD will receive Schulstartbonus für ärmere Families

SPD will provide Schulstartbonus für ärmere Families

Der Start in de Schule can be teuer: Hefte, Stifte, Schultasche, Zirkel – all costs fell Money. The SPD will actively achieve a state-like Hilfe.

Munich (dpa/lby) – The SPD faction in the Bavarian Landtag will help an indebted family with a state bonus of more than 250 euros. “We have real educational freedom for the start-up for all children in Bavaria,” says Fraktionschef Holger Grießhammer.

“We want every child in Bavaria to have a good start in school, no matter how big the parents’ money bag is,” Grießhammer complained. “The first debt burden of debts is a real challenge for an individual family, when the costs for a replacement amount to more than a hundred euros,” says the SPD parliamentary group leader. There is a possibility to do a profession, a foundation and a computer in the learning-free environment.

The problems with the Vereinen and Wohlfahrtsverbonden, the debt burden of the Verfügung presents itself, you can spend a great deal of time and use the Bedarf at a small item. Once you know that the shoes and shoes of the first class do not contain hereditary debt materials.

Die Folge: Die Kinder fühlten sich abgehängt. These will exceed the tax levels and the minimum tax on the results of the German Wirtschaft.