
Großbrand im Englischen Garten – Teehaus in Flammen

Großbrand im Englischen Garten – Teehaus in Flammen

Blue Light Blog

Großbrand im English Garten – Teehaus Steht in Flammen

Current on 08.09.2024 – 07:26 UhrReading time: 5 min.

Feuerwehr bei Nacht im Einsatz (Symbol image): Roads of the Feuers, the Altonaer Straße must be closed.Enlargement of the imagesFeuerwehr bei Nacht im Einsatz (Symbol image): Roads of the Feuers, the Altonaer Straße must be closed. (Source: Sabine Gudath/imago-images-bilder)

Do you have a home in Berlin and want to know where all reports of a police and fire brigade alarm in the Hauptstadt are? In our Blaulicht-Blog we don’t forget.

Großbrand im English Garten: Teehaus in Flammen

During the night, there is a tea house in the English Garden in Berlin and a big brand. The Gebäude stand aus zunächst ungeklärten Gründen komplett in Flammen, wie Feuerwehr and Polizei mitteilten. Glücklicherweise no one was left behind.

“Das Reetdach sei completely abgebrannt,” said a Speaker of the Fire Department. The final forces were quickly brought under control. Insgesamt 85 Einsatzkräfte was one of the losses, which was sich bis in the frühen Vormittag during the duration.

A smaller Brandnester remains nevertheless best and inherits further Masses of the Fire Brigade. While the losses in the free form penetrate over time, it is worth dying on the nearby Altonaer Straße. If the damage occurs, this cannot happen.

6:05 p.m.: An employee is busy tomorrow morning in Berlin with a police check and in Pankow a police car that gets more time. It is a fact that a Beamter verlet, who is the police. If the Vorfalls are a Polizist with the Waffe, the Beamtin in the Einsatzwagen will cause a Knalltrauma.

Gegen 5 Uhr fiel das Autowegen überhöhter Geschwindigkeit in Gesundbrunnen auf. Trotz stop signals fly the person with their car over more streets and more over a round Ampel. I started in the Maximilianstraße by car and the politicians established the Einsatzwagen-dahinter. Be sure to check out the or the Fahrer-rückwärts and rammt the Einsatzwagen-mehrmals. Dann schoss der Fahrer des Polizeiautos, but de person flüchtete weiter.

Other politicians like the car of unintentional matters that are lost and have no knowledge about the Wilhelm-Kuhr-Straße. Ermittlungen zum Hintergrund der Vlucht en ob der Gebrauch der Schusswaffe lawful war, dauern an.

14 hours: If you are carrying out a check on the RAW-gesetz in Berlin-Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, you can be injured by the Freitag zwei Polizisten. The Beamten-war after the police of Saturday and Mann has fallen, because it has been adjourned. If they mutate a Penalty, they are written.

While the men during the signal the police found mutatis mutandis Kokain in his pockets. The man fought hard against the police. You can reach the age of 50 by getting a beam in the upper leg and going a little further with the elbows in sight. A person made the film and is in solidarity with the man, he is that. Also the 50-year-olds are injured. There has been a medical treatment of the wound in sight.

13:39 hrs: A Schlägerei for a Club in Berlin-Lichtenberg has been executed by a police and rescue team. The people who are engaged in the experience of knowledge and outpatient behavior in the Krankenhaus, have had a police briefing. This is the message from “BZ”.

They are happy to visit their guests and their security personal. These are elegant and you can combine your hands with more people. When the two men arrive at the Krankenhaus, the police will tell a different story. The animal must undergo proper treatment. More details are not available yet. The Polizei is responsible for the Hintergründen.

2:03 p.m.: A senior woman came off the Straße with his car on the Donnerstagmittag in Berlin-Zehlendorf and was pushed into a Baum. The 1987 years were brought about with inner abandonment in the Krankenhaus, with the police as Freitag Mitteilte.

After a woman had gone to war, the woman was on the Teltower Damm in the Schädestraße and the Leo-Baeck-Straße in the direction of Beeskowdamm-on the way for 13 hours. In Höhe des Schweizerhofparks, on the Fußgängerüberweg, you will find the vehicle to the right of the Fahrbahn-abgekommen and with a Baum-collidiert.

12.59 pm: A Mann hat in a canal in Oranienburg must destroy the ammunition. A Zeuge has appointed a man, who stands in the canal warf, an offshoot of the police. Shortly the position of the locks should be more sharp cartridges in water fest and informed the police. Now the lock is first Mal blocked.