
Hittfelder Dorffest 2024: Three days fuller Spaß and Unterhaltung

Hittfelder Dorffest 2024: Three days fuller Spaß and Unterhaltung

The Hittfelder Village is coming back! From September 13 to 15, Hittfeld was at the Center for Geselligkeit and Unterhaltung. One of the last September weeks walked like the Ortsmitte in a lively Festmeile, auf der sich Freunde, Familien and Nachbarn meet, a community to celebrate, to celebrate and to strengthen the community.

The well-known Flohmarkt des Hittfelder Dorffestes | Photo: Gewerbeverein Hittfeld

The anticipation increased

The festive program for jeden-geschmack was: from traditional shop counters and sales stands to modern food trucks with many live acts on the open-air stage – you will get your money’s worth here. Apart from the family, the Hittfelder Dorffest is an altimeter in the Veranstaltungskalender. Veranstaltet met de Hittfelder Dorffest wie jedes Jahr vom Gewerbeverein Hittfeld. The first Vorsitzende des Vereins, Matthias Graf, found Worte für die Vorfreude: „Der Gewerbeverein ist stoz darauf, an dieser mittlerweile über 40-year Tradition dieser Veranstaltung for Jung and Alt festzuhalten. People from Hittfeld and Umgebung come together here and have a good time working. Erinnerungen were refreshed and improved here and there. Hittfeld is our homeland. Hittfeld is what matters. We all wish to visit and enjoy our holidays during the day and the night.”

The starting shot

A stimulating authorization takes place in the Freitagabend with the laterenumzug, at 7 pm before the Grundschule Hittfeld starts. Begleitet von der Feuerwehr Hittfeld und musical intermalt von der Musikvereinigung Tostedt eV, zeeht der Umzug durch die Straßen en lässt Kinderaugen leuchten. The Bühnenprogram begins to fall in the Freitag with an Auftritt of the Jagdhornbläsergruppe of the Hegerings Hittfeld. I put together the band “Hafenrocker” with its powerful guitar riffs and dynamic stimming for a mitreißende Stimmung.

This beautiful in the setzte Baum is found on the Partyareal of Team 412 | Photo: sra

From tomorrow till the end

Der Samstag goes to the Zeichen der Familie. The tradition of the Flohmarkt is one of the Stöbern and Entdecken activities, where the Open-Air-Bühne local sports and tanzvereine with the SV Emmelndorf, the TSV Eintracht Hittfeld, the MTV Ramelsloh and the Tanzstudio Sedello and the Können presentations can be found. These vorführungen are no longer under control, but end up in the most common Freizeitangebot of the region. I look at the Band AG and the Schulband Troöt des Gymnasiums Hittfeld ihr Talent, before the Gruppe Aurel with Spielfreude and Leidenschaft de Bühne übernimmt. Günther Garbers vom Lebenshof am Mühlenbach said the Besuchern beim Kettenkarussell, wie een Schafschur abläuft. While rocking ‘Hitfield’ with a mix of rock classics and active hits, you can hear the party area of ​​Team 412 with DJ and disco beats in the background.

Modern food trucks and traditional Schlemmereien are on the Fest boats | Photo: sra

Gemeinsam Revueren passion welding

The Sonntag begins musically with the Posaunenchor Hittfeld, followed by a special Auftritt of the “Gudebånd”, the trio for even more “Gudelaune” care. Pascal Krieger, the party guarantor of the party, came for “Boerney and the Tri Tops” with his live show and cultural hits after 40 years at the festival with high point leaders. Gleichzeitig found 15 hours ago that the seniors’ café in “Treffpunkt Hittfeld” in the Burg Seevetal-statt, at the Heimatverein Hittfeld Coffee and cake-serviert, with the Hittfelder Speeldeel for entertainment care. This small business is organized: The Arkadenhof has started with the Children’s Play Landscape, in the youngsters can play after Heart’s Delight.

Das Hittfelder Dorffest verspricht een Wochenende voler Freude, Unterhaltung und Gemeinschaft. In a terminology, the man sits in the fall and remains sollte.

Village festival 23 | Photo: sra

The complete program:



  • 8 to 8.25 pm: Jagdhornbläsergruppe des Hegering Hittfeld eV
  • 8:30 p.m. to midnight: Hafenrocker


  • Start 11.45 am: Moderation Pascal Krieger
  • 12 to 12.20: TSV Eintracht Hittfeld with Karateka
  • 12.20 to 12.50 Uhr: Dancing Kids & SFD Dance Mix vom SV Emmelndorf
  • 12.50 to 1.35 pm: TSV Eintracht Hittfeld: Hip-Hop Kids & Turn Kids
  • 1:40 PM to 1:55 PM: TSV Eintracht Hittfeld with Krateo
  • 1:55 PM to 2:15 PM: MTV Ramelsloh Kids & Teens Dance
  • 2:20 PM to 2:50 PM: Tanzstudio Sedello aus Hittfeld
  • 3 to 4 p.m.: Umbau/SC Schulbands were presented by Ulrich & Ulrich
  • 4 to 4:15 p.m.: Band AG Gymnasium Hittfeld
  • 4:20 PM to 4:40 PM: Trööt, the Band vom Gymnasium Hittfeld
  • 5:10 p.m. to 7 p.m.: Aurel
  • from 7 p.m.: Umbau & Soundcheck, Hittfelder Abend is presented by Edeka Jonas Meyer
  • 20.15 to 0:00: Hitfield


  • From 11.30 am to 12 noon: Posaunenchor
  • 12:15 to 13:00: Gudebänd
  • 1:15 p.m. to 3 p.m.: Gudebänd
  • 4 to 4:30 pm: Pascal Krieger
  • 4:45pm to 8:15pm: Boerney and the TriTops

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