
The climate walk changes the wine history

The climate walk changes the wine history

High temperatures ensure more heat and less säure in Most. Schmeckt unser Wein mit zunehmendem Klimawandel also bald different? Winzer is prevented by tricks

Burning heat, long tropical rain and then rain again or a break: The climate walk is a real challenge for the wine industry. Hanging in traditional growing areas can lie bald in a row. When the climate no longer has power over the culture of the Reben, it will be that we are doing well.

“The quality of the results is evident from the temperature of the environment”, writes a research team from the French Ingenieurhochschule Bordeaux Sciences Agro unter Leitung von Cornelis van Leeuwen in an Überblicksstudie, which appears in the Zeitschrift “Nature Reviews Earth & Environment”. Grund dafür seien een ganze Reihe von Faktoren.

This is described by Ramón Mira of Orduña Heidinger of the ETH Zurich in a review study in the Fachzeitschrift “Food Research International”. The higher temperatures are determined by the use of a small amount of apple juice in the Trauben. The heat pressure comes from the potassium value and thus brings a lower ph-value back.

Überreife Obstnote statt Geschmack fresher Früchte

Rising temperatures ensure that the French steam is also heated when we use the aroma fresher. Gerade der niedrigere ph-Wert nehme etwas vom Frijkeempfinden weg. Weniger could increase the microbiological stability and thus the fehlgeschmack-führen.

The sugar anteil is all about the heat and the damage to the alcohol by the alcohol. Higher alcohol values ​​​​were established in wine in Alsace and Bordeaux. The special microbiologist Mira from Orduña has a special preparation method, which only sees 13, 14 or 15 percent alcohol on the market. Wekkritiker is a “heady” and “hot” wine.

Auch Waldbrände can use the Geschmack beeinflussen

High temperatures can bring the wine experts to a higher level than the old rotweine and weniger Smellsstoffen and in the Sauvignon Blanc foehren. An inflow can go to the Wald- and Buschbrände, which with the climate walk zunehmen. In Australia words and an inner Smoke-Beigeschmack can be used in our lives.

The industry has a problem that could last a long time. “Weinbauliche Praktiken are ermöglichen, these Effekte zu korrigieren, ohne die Definition des Weins infrage zu set, indem sie an der Auswahl appropriate Microorganismen, der Entzuckerung des Mosts, der Verringerung des Alkoholgehalts und der Säuerung der Weine Arbeiten”, writes das französische Weinstitut in a Strategy Paper for Climate Walking.

Conservative Consumers Erfordern Anbautricks

Moreover, in Germany, the following was stated: “The Winzers and Winzerinnen, which I know, have their own Tendenz, the active stylistic typography in our small landscape, we have a market for them”, is related to the wine construction for the climbing expert Heiko Paeth von from the University of Würzburg. “Der Deutsche Konsument ist Conservative.”

Säurearme, high prosperous Weine schmeckten burnt, said Paeth. No one is allowed to do that. “Leute wollen junge, white, fruity, aber trotzdem trockene Weißweine trinken, gerade from the younger Generation.”

If the problem is solved, it is “öcological tricks”. “If we want to buy an item, we will not have to pay any attention to the alcohol content, but if we do not care about the alcohol content, we will have to pay less attention to the traffic.”

Franken possibly from the new Bergerac or Bordeaux

Of course it is so that the paths of the climate hikes to other solutions of the setzen go, with Paeth. It became in Germany more Rotwein than before the years, but in Franken the surfaces are again prepared. “If the winemaker is aware, then the change in the resort spectrum is not as good as the market is set.” The passage of the Rebbauern was larger and became more likely, Paeth observes.

For the Bavarian Landesanstalt for Viticulture and Gardening as Paeth nach Analog-Klimaten. There is also a study going on about the climate in 50 or 70 years in Weinbergen, which the entire Anstalt stems the best Silvaner. Then it can be that the temperature, the temperature, the temperature, the spätfrost and other brands occur. The project has never come off the ground, but it is the direction of Southwest France. “That is also called, the Franconian Weinberge was in two generations ungefähr the Residual climate in Bergerac or Bordeaux.”

If there is a financing, the Landesanstalt will make one of the best Silvaner-Klon plans. So we were financed back, who lived in the warmer climates, got tired – and it was my fault that we were so shocked, when we were in Würzburg gewachsen.

Massenhaft Anbaufläche could be lost

The research team from Bordeaux has found a new start, which is the end of the 20s to the 70s, in Europe in the tradition.

The Rebstöcke in Mitteleuropa stands for everything in the South, very much on Paeth. If it is good, soft drink Winzer is a vermeert of the classic Südlagen products. “This was a journey, it was one of my experiences in the fight against the years that the power was in the world, with our rebsortenspektrum and the fact that the typist was our right judge and in the gleichen weinbauregionen work can.”
