
Saxony-Anhalt: CDU politician: Grundschulen im ländlichen Raum since sicher

Saxony-Anhalt: CDU politician: Grundschulen im ländlichen Raum since sicher

CDU politician: Grundschulen im ländlichen Raum sind sicher

One of the ministers of the Bildungsministerium of the Mindestschülerzahlen is busy with debates. Laut der CDU-Fraktion soll auf dem Land nun all beim Alten bleiben.

Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – The CDU Landtag faction’s opinion should not change anything about the minority student numbers in the rural area in Saxony-Anhalt. These were played a role at the active level by the political political speaker Carsten Borchert. There is talk of a merit with the Education Ministry, which the previous government was not adopted before the parliamentary parliamentary debate. In the rural regions there remained a minority student number of 15. Some of the problems in the urban areas were discussed larger, this is in a medium term.

There is an initiative of the ministerial ministerial educational institutions for the first classes and the Grundschulen which will take place for the classes and the new debts at 25 high levels. For Grund- and Secondary schools, in addition to Middle and Upper Centers, the Mindestschülerzahl should lie at 20.

Link started People’s Initiative

“The Grundschulen im ländlichen Raum sind sicher”, says Borchert. Man wolle das Credo “kurze Beine, kurze Wege” flächendeckend sicherstellen. A prime minister does not want the CDU faction to gain power and knows that the transfer has only taken place in the cabinet.

The Left has a plan to start a popular initiative. “Against a new closing wave of smaller primary schools in the rural space, we want to set ourselves up with all the means to defend ourselves”, he is on one of the designated website. Soul is, with the Popular Initiative a problem of the debt burden. 30,000 generous onschrifts that were collected, then the topic could be discussed in the Landtag.