
E-Mobility has gone a step further by ZDK and launched the E-Car Initiative in the Bundestag

E-Mobility has gone a step further by ZDK and launched the E-Car Initiative in the Bundestag

A tag for the beginning of the automotive mechanics follows the 350 changed parts of the Kfz industry, where possibly an exciting and exciting discussion by experts takes place. Leading organizations of the industry are busy with the expansion of electromobility and the negative transformation of the transformation in the Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland. The Hesse Economic Minister Kaweh Mansoori was together with Messe-Chef Detlev Braun and the ZDK-Präsidium with Arne Joswig, Detlef Peter Grün and Thomas Peckruhn the representative of Petra Bindl.

E-Fahrzeuge is not that bad, the initial hype is over. The Antriebsart has a tendency to boil. “Viele der Denken, when the Verkäufer started in our autohäusern, read sich entkräften,” said ZDK chairman Arne Joswig. “Here we have the power to drive our products with the initiative “Electric is easy”.

The starting point went Joswig to the 49th Bundestagung des Zentralverband Deutsches Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe (ZDK) in Frankfurt am Main. With video clips, the users on social media channels TikTok, Instagram and Facebook were put of the influence of Kim Truckenbrodt on the road, all e-mobility traffic is possible – you can stand on the car with researches that are possible more Aspekten, wie Laden, Reichweite, Technik and Ausbildung. Suppose Kim Truckenbrodt takes the pictures that they move, authentic and uncomplicated. Joswig motivated the Anwesenden these videos about all possibilities to tell and broaden and to use the websites of car users and work states for this initiative. The first video is available on the ZDK website.

You can buy small E-Cars in Germany

Mansoori was busy expanding the blessing for the Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland, the integration of Fachkräften from the Australian country and the offering of energy prices, one of the Standort Deutschland for Industriebetriebe is attractive to stop. Prof. Dr. Stefan Reindl, Director of the Institutes for Automotive Industry, describes in the Keynote of the Marktlage in Germany, which during a fehlendes Angebot a small and payable E-Vehicles is marked. Subsidies cannot be supported here. Important are the construction of the loading infrastructure and redundant basic conditions. In a podium discussion with the representatives of political politics, Thomas Peckruhn and Detlef Peter Grün criticized the government of a Bürokratie in Germany, which in the European countries often took the EU rules out of the closet.

With an appeal to a sectoral regulation for the costs of financing, the idea of ​​the Bundesinnungsmeister will give the Wettbewerbsposition des Mittelstands gegenüber de Konzernherstellern a strong solution, which the Ampel coalition with Hannes Walter, Handwerksbeauftragter of the SPD-Bundestagsfraktion, a joint Ges Prächsplattform im Deutschen Bundestag started and steht I am an Austausch with the ZDK. If Thomas Peckruhn uses the Pkw-Energieverbrauchs-Kennzeichnungsverordnung, the only Abmahn- und Klagevereinen is a Geschäftsgrundlage-bietet, ohne de Kunden here during the irgendeinen Nutzen-hätten. Jörg Michael Müller, the political representative of the CDU in the Hessian land, said that the fall of a Wahlsieges fell – even the Vorgängerregierung – who would give the woolen woolen and more rules about the onternehmen they give. Dr. Christian Jung, FDP -Landtagsabgeordneter from Baden-Württemberg, the primacy of the technological challenge is established. In the technology of combustion comes to the power material. A man who gives more energy to the high and sustainable component in larger quantities, by HVO, biopower material or e-fuels, a climbing protection that no longer works at all.

In the Keynote “The End of Green Hegemony” Professor Dr. Andreas Rödder from the Universität Mainz the spirit of the times of an absolute way of thinking, that his Anfänge in der Wereld- und Friedensbewegung hatte and heute ihren Höhepunkt in der Gender- und Geschlechterdebat wiederfindet, which aber von der Mehrheitsgesellschaft nicht mitgetragen.

Abschließend stelllten Olaf Musshoff, Director of Automechanika, Prof. Dr. Benedikt Maier, Stellvertretender Director of the Instituts für Automobilwirtschaft (IfA), Detlef Peter Grün and ZDK-Hauptgeschäftsführer Dr. Kurt-Christian Scheel with a bovine 1,000 Quadratmeter large Gemeinschaftsstand von ZDK and Zukunftswerkstat t 4.0 for, tomorrow the Besucherinnen und Besuchern der Automechanika in Halle 9 Einblicke in the “Werkstatt der Zukunft”-bietet.

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