
Erhöhung der Mindestfranchise brings gross Spareffekt

Erhöhung der Mindestfranchise brings gross Spareffekt

The Krankenkassenprämien were popular for a year. One thing is true, if the verzherten are more self-made. In Bundesbern becomes bare a solchen Vorstoss entschieden.

The costs of living in general remain under the Beobachtung.

The costs of living in general remain under the Beobachtung.

Michael Buholzer / Keystone

In the Swiss region of the Prämienherbst bevor. At the end of September the whole ritual begins: Let the Krankenkassenprämien for the following year begin. Auch die Mal dürften de Prämien deutlich steigen. Der Krankenkassenverband Santésuisse rechnet mit een Erhöhung von beef 5 Prozent. It is a matter of «Prämienschock», after the mild Krankenkassenprämien in the Vorjahren on 8.6 bzw. 5.4 Prozent zugommen hatten.

Franchise since 2004 no longer ago

The discussion, which brings the costs, can be done, anyway. Once it is so that the insurers come more out of their own pockets – and a rigid Anreiz-hätten remove, only wen no more to Arzt zu gehen.

This idea could give a hint to a motion by SVP-Ständerätin Esther Friedli, which is discussed in the herbal session. Der Vorstoss was long ago by the Bundesrat an Erhöhung of the Mindest franchise, which has been lying at 300 francs since 2004. It may therefore happen that a minimum of costs are incurred and that there are a few costs involved.

The biggest franchise is only a few years ago, but it could be that the costs are doubled, so Friedli argues. A periodic takeover of the Mindest franchise has changed. The Bundesrat has created the Motion movement that comments on Annahme’s empfohlen. It is a fantasy, it is a question of one of the most important franchises that comes.

Great spruce potential

With that step the health insurance costs decreased significantly. There is now a study by the Basel Center for Health Economics in the Krankenversicherers Helsana, which the NZZ last year. The savings potential has won the study at 1.2 billion francs per year, when the smallest franchise of 300 to 500 francs were increased.

The Basler-konomists Stefan Felder, Stefan Meyer and Kurt Schmidheiny were daten of the Helsana, the largest health insurers of Switzerland, while the following person is insured. In the knowledge base many persons can unite the 300er franchise or the 500er franchise.

If you perform the analyses with the display of your data, you may incur a higher cost and incur more costs. People with the 500er franchise fragment 200 Francs from the years after the insurance with the least franchise. Compared there were People with low health status, Alter or income. Car traffic dies as “economically spared”: Thanks to the transport adjustments that cost the costs.

People with the 500-franchise can make a big contribution to the costs of their own tasks. If all goes well, then the health insurance funds are no more and the Collective of the Insurers is no longer needed. In the end, these Insurers pay no more than 200 francs per year, except for 160 francs. Die, we will have a much more secure gift every year, the doctor must not go to and the franchise must not be purchased.

Prämie könnte für all versicherten sink

The effect of the change in attitude and the higher self-determination are combined, so the costs for the health insurance companies fall to 360 francs. Higher insurance for all persons in Switzerland with a franchise of 300 francs receive savings of 1.16 billion francs. With this bet you can reduce the duration of the term in Switzerland by almost 160 francs per year.

This large reserve comes together with the 300er franchise in Switzerland, which has spread. Laut Statistics of the Federal Office of Health (BAG) have 45 Prozent der Erwachsenen de ordentliche Franchise gewählt. A minimum allowance of 300 to 500 francs would affect 3.3 million persons. Let children away as they cannot use any plant.

High Tax for Chronic Illness

The politics sees it as a sick leave. On one of the pages you save: if you make eight higher costs, it may be that the costs are lower. On other pages are the social aspects: The 300er franchise has many persons gewählt, the high degree of arzt-müssen, to a chronically ill. If one of the most important franchises wants to undertake a larger part of the enterprise itself.

SP and tools have created a wider stand that works well. The maximum costs are calculated on the basis of an average price of 1000 Francs per year (300 Francs Franchise plus 700 Francs Self-maintained) on 1200 Francs (500 Francs Franchise plus 700 Francs Self-maintained).

Versatile response to Anreize

Bisweilen herrscht in der Öffentlichkeit the Ansicht vürden, dat de Menschen in Gesundheitsfragen nicht auf finanzielle Anreize würden. Prosperity is as great as the wallet in Ausschlag. The Basler Study said nun das Gegenteil.

By studying here it is possible that the Swiss in the financial provision of financial anreize react. Most of the nachfrage-elastic properties are typically at -0.2: if you have price, then the man himself is responsible for a health service, a 10-step, the nachfrage is 2 percent back. The mechanism is wollen sich the confirmation of one of the costs of the mindest franchise that you can use, one of the costs of the costs in your country.