
Neuer Migrationskurs in NRW: Wüsts Abkehr von Angela Merkel | Nachrichten from Ostwestfalen-Lippe

Neuer Migrationskurs in NRW: Wüsts Abkehr von Angela Merkel | Nachrichten from Ostwestfalen-Lippe

So fast is possible when the wind penetrates. Before Hendrik Wüst, ex-kanzlerin Angela Merkel was given a rotten Teppich role in Cologne – and he came away with the NRW state award. Merkels are seceding, their country’s solidarity, bezeichnete is like a “great act of humanity”, with Merkel in itself the “Abstraction trends in Europe” has developed. There are legendary words that “Wir buy das” might be worth more than our own. Jetzt, after the Wahlen in Oosten and the attention of Solingen, is a political Kurswechsel.

Plötzlich spricht is davon, thats kein Country „so Vale Menschen“ abschiebe wie NRW. Migration is the “central reform of human relations” in the democratic constitutional state. There are “substantive changes”, which would prevent further delays. Zurückweisungen von Asylbewerbern und deutschen Grenzen sind für Wüst inzwischen ok. “Wir haben intellecten; We are going to have a great time,” he said. It’s a new tone.

It is an insult that the Wüst and the Landes-CDU see an Abkehr of Angela Merkel’s Flight and Migration Courses. When the Versprecher of Oppositionsführer Jochen Ott took the picture in the Landtagsdebate, as he said Wüst vershentlich “Herrn Merz”. Feel free to read Wüst’s new Sound by CDU chief Friedrich Merz an. In the past and two years of war there is nothing else: The war should be open to conservative Merz abzugrens – and as more modern and liberal Grünen-Versteher in Szene zu setzen, der verwaisten Merkel-Wählern a new Heimat-bot.

The mass intake package in NRW is one of the most important components of the program

It is no longer possible to do this. The care package of the NRW government sees a good representation in the Security and Migration Policy before the excessive immunization continues: a few cuts in NRW, more Befugnisse for the Constitutional Protection – and the Provision that travel requirements asylum seekers can remain until their removal in the State’s reception facilities must remain. Before the Greens last longer and want more things, we can no longer think once.

Anyone who knows the CDU Junior Partner in NRW about these cases can see a man in the Landtag. A few Abgeordnete-reweigerten Wüst während dessen Rede de Applause – en guckten bedröppelt auf den Tisch. The black-green harmony shines brightly.

Wüst never tie in Kauf. The CDU politician paints a good political Riecher, the Stimmungen in the Bevölkerung is rejected. Migration has the climate protection duration as Top-Theme-abgelöst. Schwarz-Grün gilded in Germany as Auslaufmodell. Want to know more about the harmonious harmony in NRW along with our Koalitionspartner ab.

The new mass package of the countries continues as the flight goes to our mind. When the attention of Solingen is seized, the rights in NRW are prevented as the responsibility in the orbit is exercised.