
Europäischer Lungenkongress brought 18,000 Fachleute nach Wien » news

Europäischer Lungenkongress brought 18,000 Fachleute nach Wien » news

The Motto of the European Lungenkongresses lautete in diesem Jahr “People and machines: finding the right balance”. The high points will carry out the meeting with “America” ​​- the strengthened GenAI-Roboter der Welt, the different Fragen der Kongressteilnehmer run a GenAI in healthcare.

If you have a new medical examination, you can investigate the costs of the lung function tests. Tourism director Norbert Kettner continues: “In the past year, the Vienna Convention Bureau has promoted the networking of international trade associations with our health and education system. There is therefore a positive influence of the travel industry on the economic aspects of the country.”

“Healthy lungs for life”: Health projects for Vienna

For the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the European Lung Foundation (ELF) the so-called “Legacy Projects” were one of the most successful projects at the ERS Congress, a Bewustsem for lung health of health care and the support of the grassroots. So when the Vertreter of both organizations opens the Wiener Schulen, the Schüler über Lungengesundheit aufzuklären is explained.

On two days you can visit the Wiener zom between 11 and 18 hours at the entrance to the Praters, for the Wiener Riesenrad and enjoy the U2 Station “Praterstern” free lung function tests from experts while flying. Ebenfalls part of the Rahmen programs war a Charity Run auf der Prater Hauptallee. Registration costs 25 euros, the Legacy Campaign “Healthy lungs for life” comes in handy.

Die Bedeutung der humanmedizinischen Kongresse

Ready for 2018, the Vienna Convention Bureau and Messe Wien were able to win the Grand Congress for the year 2020. The background of the Corona pandemic that took place in 2024 was no longer a meaning for Vienna, with Norbert Kettner stated: “Human medical congresses could advance the interests of the government, while the government would concern itself with acquiring knowledge and a whole-hearted work place.”

With an anteil of 11% of the representatives of the international congresses in the year 2023, they are more like a three (38%) of the part takers and more like two three (67%) of the secondary attendance committees of all congresses in Vienna. For years I have been more like a three (79%) of the during all meetings generated Wertschöpfung and Steuereinnahmen zurückzuführen at international congresses.

ERS President Prof. Monika Gappa has discussed the war with the congresswomen more than once: “Here is the new world of science and the research presentation and the combined spectrum of the Atemwegserkrankungen abgedeckt. There will always be new activities and networking opportunities at the ERS Congress.” (red)