
Hans Zimmer goes on tour

Hans Zimmer goes on tour

Hans Zimmer hat can be all handles. The multi-talented Grammy and Oscar winner (“The King of the Lions”, “Dune”) is settling in North America during the World Tour Fort, where a new film score is played. On Thursday, his 67th birthday, Obendrein announced his next European Tour. With “Hans Zimmer Live – The Next Level” the audience will be presented with a new concert spectacle for a year.

“I was very grateful,” said Zimmer in the interview with the Deutschen Presse-Agentur. It’s been a while since the popular German Hollywood composer took a Zoom trip to his Los Angeles home. In the versions of 2025 and 2026 there is talk of “a great experience, a truly joyful power, and a smile on the face of the world and the man is not so quickly lost in the world”.

Great cinema on the concert stage

The shows do not look so visual that spectacle is performed as bisher. During the work there is an external Kulissen gewohnt. Etwas Ähnliches will be non in the Konzerthallen and the Bühne bring. Friendly registration with Denis Villeneuve gave him the idea. Big cinema for the stage should be.

“I have no fear of having to build and spend the air during the flight,” says Zimmer. “Industry, the discontinued lighting installations and the large industrial constructions that are produced at high speed, are dying at high speed. Jeden Tag finds the new art, Magic for the public of existence. And it is useful to me.”

With a concept there is another long-term experience. “Eine tour ist teuer”, Zimmer explains. “And if I am people, Buchhaltern and Leuten, who earn their money and say: “No, that’s what we don’t make. When I made the design for the new design, I said everything: “That’s my job.”

Rockstar life war not vorgesehen

It is a Tages with a Rockstar that absolutely celebrates a world tour, which the Composer never planted, because he will soon see years with two Konzerten in London’s Hammersmith Apollo during the live debut. “The first rides were very rainy,” remembers the common Frankfurter. Bright lights have been used. “I didn’t want to make any progress. After all, it was good.”

Singer Pharrell Williams (‘Happy’) and guitarist Johnny Marr (‘How Soon Is Now’) provide an animation. “Pharrell war of battles, that is not in a thin space or behind a ghost, that is the rausgehen and the Leuten ins Gesicht schauen must. There is a first tour experience, a positive experience, that is my good feeling. So war is a Johnny Marr issue. They were für me da. Das is a real Freundschaft.”

More Konzerte, few new films

Inzwischen de Konzerte in Zimmers Leben mehr Zeit een als de Komponieren nouvelle Filmmusik. It is possible that the music player itself becomes a bit difficult. “Just a minute! I am 67. I am sollte das nicht machen. I look at the Fernseher sitzen and Schokolade essen“, scherzt is and laughs herzlich. “Aber ich freue mich darauf, das zu tun. I’ll make some film music, but I’ll make some more films, if I want to make my music.”

Steve McQueen’s war film “Blitz” and Joseph Kosinski’s action film “F1” are Hans Zimmer’s most successful projects. There is a work with registrations of Ron Howard and Denis Villeneuve, an Oscar has been won for the epic “Dune”. However, he has traveled for all smaller, independent films. “Smaller films are more interesting, we will see a bigger risk”, it says. “On tour I take the bigger risk.”

Zimmer verspricht Music, die is nicht verspielt hat

There are more than 100 films that are the music composer. “In your own film you will find 40 different musical pieces. Material is also useful,” says Zimmer, and can make music about musical changes. “I’m sure I know the best Band of the World. Die without hunger. Die wollen eine Herausforderung.”

Nor the setlist for the ‘The Next Level’ party. Aber Zimmer presents his music from longer film hits in Aussicht with “Black Rain”, “Backdraft”, “True Romance” or “Black Hawk Down”. “There is no sweet spot between the 80s and 90s that is not used. “

It’s a good idea to think that the iconic music from the film class core with “The King of the Lions”, “Fluch der Karibik” or “Inception” is never played again. Or is it? “When the tour is active, the “The King of the Lions” or “Fluch der Karibik” in that version is no longer heard,” he said and perhaps grinned. “But there are still 100 other versions.”

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