
Registrations with VW: Betriebsrat droht mit möglichen Streiks | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony

Registrations with VW: Betriebsrat droht mit möglichen Streiks | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony

Status: 13.09.2024 19:34

Vor de kommenden Tarifgesprächen bei VW says that Daniela Cavallo is campferisch. “There would be work and mass works that were all with us,” said the Betriebsratschefin am Freitag.

“If he is in the labor camp,” Cavallo said in an interview with the magazine “Focus”. The power of power is great, it is all there is. Cavallo is involved in the interview with the chef of the Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbunds (DGB), Yasmin Fahimi and the IG-Metall-Vorsitzenden Christine Benner. Cavallo is heard from the Verhandlingdelegation of IG Metall, which will charge the highest rates with Volkswagen, will be offered a job guarantee for the VW group for 30 years.


VW-Angestellte keeps protest poster up to date. © Screenshot

3 minutes

Credit agreements are possible from July 2025. For Azubi’s, the guarantee may last longer. (11.09.2024) 3 Min

Cavallo: Extension of the Job Guarantee from 2029

It is a historical taboo and “we will not let ourselves fall”, Cavallo concretely stated. Because the operating council is now moving on, the small works will be closed and will become an extension of the job guarantee for the 120,000 VW employees in Germany, who will have left the operating council in 2029. Volkswagen is doing badly, but it can become a variety of “screws”, or a little bit of the location question to set, so Cavallo. If there were no more parts, the automobile would no longer be needed. VW and IG Metall have now sucked up tariffs planned for October due to the active criticism – on 25 September the talks should start. The hot air at VW came out at the end of November, but in December there was talk of warning stripes.

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Cavallo: E-Auto Purchase Prämie for private Haushalte wieder einführen

Cavallo has taken charge of politics. So please do not hesitate to look at the improved power supply for the Electrical Service Vehicle. Vielmehr sollte die im vergangen Dezember beendetete E-Auto-Kaufprämie for private Haushalte zeitnah dieder eeningeführt, sagte de Betriebsratschefin. The E-Auto-Verkauf was in the process of terminating the state guarantee. VW wants to be more standby in production.

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Regional Braunschweig | 06.09.2024 | 13:30

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