
Heizsaison beginning: Verbraucherzentrale warning for “Fake-Shops” | – Nachrichten

Heizsaison beginning: Verbraucherzentrale warning for “Fake-Shops” | – Nachrichten

Status: 15.09.2024 10:13 am

The Verbraucherzentrale Niedersachsen warns against online purchase of Brennstoffen. When the beginning of the sale begins, the offers of some fake shops are bigger.

Vermeintliche Händler auf Online-Verkaufsplattformen bieten beispielsweise Heizöl, Pellets or der Kaminholz zu sehr Günstigen Preisen gegen Vorkasse an, so die Verbraucherzentrale. If the money is left, the goods will hardly be loved in the best quality. That’s because of the money you spend on your daily life. “Fake shops believe that we can buy new products,” says Ann-Katrin Fornika, legal expert at the Verbraucherzentrale Niedersachsen.


A person in front of a monitor. © Screenshot

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Fakeshop-Finder is a solution for buying products

They are Brenn substances that have a higher price, so many products and products do not offer an overview of their stores and non-existent stores that are blind to the sale. Schutz for a bet Fakeshop-Finder. Here the internet address of the shops can be opened. It is often looked at the way in which this is carried out. Jumps the Ampel on Rot, if it is a clear answer, you can not order, but it is so.

Caution: When offering trade in “Fake Shops”

If active Beispiele für Heizöl-Fake-Shops zählte the Verbraucherzentrale Lower Saxony follows the names:


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