
Stockach: Kulturnacht offers exciting viewing

Stockach: Kulturnacht offers exciting viewing

Stockach – In the Alten-Forstamt herrschte am Samstagabend of the Kulturnacht, the Stockach in the Rahmen of the Museumnacht Hegau-Schaffhausen zum ridden by Malveranstaltete, von Beginn and reges Treiben. Zur Eröffnung versammelten sich reiche Besucher in Foyer des Kulturzentrums. Music director Helmut Hubov plays his own composition with his ad hoc ensemble and Frank Hunter, director of the Salvador Dalí archive in New York, talks about his personal contacts with Dalí. After the Siegerehrung zum Kunstwettbewerb der Schüler, die Gäste the unterschiedlichen Angebote im Kulturzentrum, in the Volkshochschule and the Seilermuseum were. Where in the Alten-Forstamt it is to späten If you have a cultural interest, and the geführtenprogramma in the city in the Seilermuseum, it would once have been like this, were in the Straße now still people who no longer see.

On the art side, in the scale of the construction, everything looks like a Dalí. Students with all the Stock Teachers from the Classrooms 3 to 13 have their own personal Stocks in Dalí-Stil gemalt or creative gestaltet. The Gewinner-Bilder hang in the Kulturzentrum, all others were broadcast in the Schaufenstern der Innenstadt. You can go to your purchases on October 13th. Parallel to the Eröffnung der Kulturnacht, the Räumen der Volkshochschule started the Vernissage with the Ausstellung „Teampplayer“ of the Künstlerin Siegi Sonntag. My photo was taken on January 5th. A conversation with the artist takes place on Friday, September 27, at 7 p.m. Frank Hunter has called for an Arbeit, because Dalí does not dare. There is a spark that is fragmented, who has the art teacher. “As a fascinating personal attention. There is war with a spirit that no Zweifel can defeat. That is what people must also know,” said Hunter. Dalí was also an author and a poet and wrote an opera, which he wrote.

In the Museum it is from 18 pm to see the Dalí-Kino “Der alte Mann und das Meer”. The device can be used in a convenient location, while there is only one range of the Ausstellung teilzunehmen. For the format “Speed-Dating Dalí”, Julian Windmöller’s museum guide is the small themes, the Bartbuch and the Gretchen from the Faust Series, which the visitors are answered in a few minutes clearly and quickly.

Wer is its own artwork used by Sabine Luther-Kögel and Gabriele Gietz for the Greenscreen photography and apps in a Dali work. Daran hatten auch Kinder Spaß, for those in the Stadtbücherei weitere Angebote gab. Zweimal gewährte Seilermeister Bernhard Muffler in Seilermuseum exciting Einblicke in sein Handwerk.

If you see the Jungstein time, it may happen that the shrouded material is damaged. There is talk of Hanf spinning out of the Schurz beim Rückwärtsgehen and erklärte: “Wenn we will be happy, but we will have a happy life – ein Seil.” Fasziniert beobachteten die Besucher sein Tun. Look at the illuminated Seilerbahn and Stadtmauer.

The culinary kind is not near the kurz: Das Seiler-Café and the Mahlwerk luden zum Verweilen ein. Make sure that the Mitarbeiterinnen of the culture in the Foyer of the Alten Forstamts small catalan costs and fluctuations occur. Culture manager Corinna Bruggaier war with the Verlauf des Abends gefrieden. Also museum manager Julian Windmöller so a positive Fazit: „The Kulturnacht is generally visible. We have a great deal of time when I make a great guest of auswärts a year later.“

Siege of the law order

The winner of the art competitions of the Dalí exhibition started at the beginning of the culture night with a prize. For Lia Class, 8d, Nellenburg-Gymnasium (NBG), Elisa Lenk, 5a, NBG, and Lilli Hertell, 5a, NBG, who invested Plätze 1 to 3, receive a bonus money for the Bürgerstiftung. Julia Tosca Schuler, 12, NBG, Maya Sohnemann, 8d, NBG, Leni Schmid und Lena Benkler, 9a, Schulverbund Nellenburg, die Gruppe Liana Stier, Felia Di Bartolomeo, Elia Wäschle und Hezal Oruc, 3a, Grundschule Stockach, Philipp Thümer, 6d, NBG, Jakob Holzwarth, 5a, NBG, and de Gru ppe Ema Kovaceviv, Denise Schnell, Mike Berger and Luan Bytiyqi, BSZ Stockach, received a prize for SÜDKURIER for the Place 4 to 10. Two special prizes for Kulturamt and Stadtmuseum and Milad Wakili for BSZ for the best KI-Werk and an Oskar Schilling, ehemal K2. (wig)