
Vorhaben aus dem Koalitionsvertrag: Das muss im letzten Jahr der Ampel nor passeren

Vorhaben aus dem Koalitionsvertrag: Das muss im letzten Jahr der Ampel nor passeren

Under the title “More progress” the three Ampel parties have listed 144 pages in the coalition agreement in the autumn of 2021. The overview of the task list for the legislative period and its results have been pushed back and forth by the three parties. The energy law would be decided, the minimum wage would be raised to 12 euros, Hartz IV would be settled by the citizen’s money. But not everything has been changed for the time being. If there is a major project, the large individuality will no longer be necessary in the direction over the years.

Child safety

What is that? With the children’s allowance, the leistungen for children’s money, children’s money, the children’s regulations of the citizen’s money and the part of the Bildungs- und Teilhabepakets are changed in one of the following situations. It is so that Eltern enjoys it, these leistungen zu antragen. In addition, the Grund plans the Federal Government for a digital Antragsstellung. The childcare provision is one of the best components: at least a guarantee payment in the highest child allowances, also 250 Euro per child, and a sister payment, if they have the final payment from the Eltern staff. Please pay more than 500 Euro per Child theoretically possible.

Warum ist es bisher noch non umgesetzt? The Kindergrundsicherung has been undone in the Coalition. If the FDP-Sträubt has the administrative costs, while the Greens Ministry gets a new kind of organizing power. The Cabinet and the Bundestag have the Gesetz over their debts, nor with the Bundesländern over Ächangeungen trades.

Is he still coming? Originally, the child protection should have been implemented by January 1, 2025. It would never yield any more blows. More likely is July 1. When you are done designing, the project will be one of the best you can write.

Bürokratieentlastungsgesetz IV

What is that? The ausufernde Bürokratie is lauded in Germany as one of the great Hemmnisse für die Wirtschaft. Make sure that the coalition becomes a lastungsgesetz. Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann (FDP) has helped his government leaders and union leaders in a gesetz-zusammengefasst. It is so that the Wirtschaft did not bring much costs with it in the amount of 944 million euros per year.

Warum ist es bisher noch non umgesetzt? I have the first time the Gesetz was established in the Bundestag and a quick trip through all the Abgeordenten made. While the Bundesrat has generally given the impression that the states have solved their own problems. It may be that it is another challenge, which takes place in the Gesetz-fehlen. The Bundesregierung can carry out these prüfen. Seitdem has still become a Gesetz.

Is he still coming? Owning to the fact that the law is easy to economize, because the state house stop costs nothing and many changes are desired by all sides. If the decision is a fact, it is not clear that the end of the legislative period has not yet been resolved.

Hospital reform

What is that? The German Krankenhäuser is financially improving for years. The Zahl of the Clinics is the way the Betten German have sunk, the big financial system of the Fallapauschaal power over the treatment and many unattractive treatments. A major reform has been carried out after an investigation by experts in the field of health care in a hospital.

Warum ist es bisher noch non umgesetzt? Federal Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) virtually concluded his Amtsantritt an der Reform. It is not the case that there are many companies – Krankenhausbetreiber, Kommunen, Bundesländer and Krankenkassen zum Beispiel – with my Wünschen unter a hut were müssen.

Is he still coming? Because the Cabinet has carried through the reform, he would never have ended up in the Bundestag. Lauterbach will first prevent the other wishes of the federal states from a construction, an elongated Vermittlungsverfahren. It is likely that the reform will not happen before the next Wahl. There is a schieter who has become aware of the chance of a project in the project.

400,000 new homes

What is that? In the housing market that is occupied and the home is sold, the Federal Government plans to renovate 400,000 homes per year, while 100,000 are publicly available social housing units.

Warum ist es bisher noch non umgesetzt? The energy and material crisis, the Baustoffe stark verteuerte, ensures the gestures of Leitzinsen of EZB who through the Ampel ebenso in the Quere wie de eigen Trägheit at Abbau bürokratischer Hurden and dem Aufbau dauerhaft helfender Förderprogramma.

Is he still coming? No. The Ifo Institute estimates that a maximum of 225,000 homes will be built. Estimates from other economists or construction associations are no more pessimistic. I will come back years later when the word is spoken.

Transparency legislation

What is that? The first version of the settings has existed since 2017 and is so good, the Lohnlücke men and women are in obtaining a profession and qualification for students. Enjoys work in operations with at least 200 Angestellten, the Median wage for a job to experience, which is comparable to yours. The Ampel has planted, these issues are provided and work and the legal powers are, no matter how high the power is, if they no longer exist.

Warum ist es bisher noch non umgesetzt? I am gone during the summer of the Federal Government of the Ergebnisse eines Evaluierungsberichts zum bisherigen Gesetz. Darin said that he first 4 Prozent all Arbeitnehmer das Gesetz ausnutzten and now 30 Prozent der Unternehmen wie verpflichtet, ihre Entgeltstrukturen überprüft haben. The Bundesfrauenministerium can exclude the Ergebnisse and Empfehlungen der Experten.

Is he still coming? Jein. A pure German Entgelt transparency is illegitimate, after the EU has issued a directive in 2026, which will be changed in a certain direction and by Germany in 2026. Even if the Ampel does not give the next Wahl more power, it must be the next Bundesregierung.

Flächendeckender Glasphaser-Ausbau

What is that? Glass fiber is the best way to station Breitbandan-schlussers, also internet-schnellstmögliches. It is necessary to distribute new cables and connections in the house. The Ampel works in its coalition delay on the „flächendeckende versorgung“ as its soul.

Warum ist es bisher noch non umgesetzt? Even if there is a large amount of the 100 percent utopian care, in four years it has become only 80 or 90 percent of the big houses, the active class is depressed. Gerade once 10.1 percent of the long-term contracts in Germany are running over glass fiber. Within the OECD, Belgium and Greece are now even worse. From peak countries such as South Korea (88.9 percent) and Japan (85.8 percent) are leading the world, even Schwellenländer such as Chile (68.9 percent) and Costa Rica (44.4 percent) are lying to us.

Is he still coming? Definitively, because the glass fiber cover with its coming Bundestag choice has not even achieved the status of “flat-covering”.

Expansion of the separation nets

What is that? Die Ampel-Koalition plante zu Beginn, deutlich more Investitionen in deutsche Schienennetz als in Straßen zu stecken. A “Schienenverkehr Master Plan” was developed. Soul is etwa, with car traffic and the Kurzflüge unattractive for your machine.

Warum ist es bisher noch non umgesetzt? Entgegen de bisherigen Plänen becommt de Schiene nicht deutlich mehr Geld als de Straße. 2022 and 2023 were the investments in the future, first those years that Schiene with 12.1 billion euros in the Straße with 12.8 billion euros. I am EU-Vergleich ist unterdurchschnittlich.

Is he still coming? Before the financing plans end a year later, the financing of the coalitions will be over. By 2025, the Schiene will quickly double to 18.1 billion euros, as much money as the roads will collect, with 9.1 billion euros. For 2026 and 2027, the value will be from 17.5 to 9.5 billion euros. A new federal government could be the most natural chicken.

Digital Pact 2.0

What is that? In order to improve schools with digital equipment and to equip teachers with fluent teaching aids and knowledge, the Federal Government invested around 6.5 billion euros in its first digital package from 2019 to 2024. When the package is free of debt, it is a fact that a digital design is a must. The financing can be carried out as a compliziert by the Federal Court of Appeal. In 2021, there will no longer be a single billion euros in money in circulation. The many possibilities offered by a Digital Package 2.0 will function more easily and will appear in 2030.

Warum ist es bisher noch non umgesetzt? The Bund and Länder stretch their lives with money. After the Ansicht der Bundesländer, the Federal Government will make a little money from the Verfügung with 2.5 billion euros. It was noticeable that the Bundesländer was coming to an end. If you want a financial loan, bei der Bund 90 Prozent der Kosten übernimmt.

Is he still coming? Property of the Digitalpakt 2.0 from 2025 started. It is unacceptable. If the Bund saves anyway, a billion euros can take longer for the digital package to have a heavier weight. The Bundesländer is woolen fabric that is not yet in stock. The fronts seem to be festgefahren.

More projects

Generating larger projects can be a lot smaller, but is not that big. So the Federal Government and the costs for the master course in the craft will be a total of the Weiterbildung a „Lebenschansen-Bafög“. The family’s properties are built up after 20 years and the kapungsgrenzen for the children are continued 20 to 11 years later. All deaths have not occurred. There has never been a version of the „Luftverkehrskonzept 2030+“, which makes Flughäfen and the Flugverkehr in Germany for a Co2-neutral Zukunft suitable for machines. Read more about Eltern: the two weeks that the partner or the partner in the mumbles, also not confused. For some projects it is possible to create a project plan.

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