
Baden-Württemberg: Ärger um Teilsperrung des Bodensee-Radwegs in Konstanz

Baden-Württemberg: Ärger um Teilsperrung des Bodensee-Radwegs in Konstanz

Status: 18.09.2024 06:25

Roads Hangrutsch-Gefahr is a part of the Bodenseeradweg that is closed for a longer period of time. The Allgemeine Deutsche Fahrrad-Club (ADFC) has left town in the trade.

The Allgemeine Deutsche Fahrrad-Club (ADFC) has criticized the estoppel des Bodenseeradwegs by the Konstanzer Stadtteilen Egg and Allmannsdorf. It is a grim situation in June that the roads of the Fahrradfahrer are one of the main ways to solve. Der Südkurier-berichtete.

ADFC provides fast security and versatile display

The ADFC allows the city to oppose the city edge of the Bodensee-Radweg with the security grounds blocked. For a bicycle-friendly city in Konstanz, a faster security was nevertheless desirable, so Ralf Seuffert, district representative of the ADFC Konstanz. It is necessary to remove the image on the interior of Mainau.

Wir müssen jeden Tag Menschen erklaren, wie is een stelle vorbeikommen.
Ralf Seuffert, district broadcaster of the ADFC Konstanz

Lake Constance is a tourist region: Administration, Societies and Business Keys all have to look strange. There is a bad found that can be used in the human who is negative in the back endpoint, so Seuffert.

Hang weiterhin in Bewegung – Stadt verspricht schnelle Lösung

Laut der Stadt Konstanz gibt es weiterhin Bewegungen im Hang. The fact is that in November the first occurrence of the problem will disappear. The other dimensions, both of which are also important for landscape and natural protection, are not yet absolved.

The city is in the Klaren, there is an important connection and there is a quick release service.
City of Constance

The part of the Lake Constance Cycle Path became more open, when the Road was certain, the city was connected to SWR-Anfrage. Genauere Angaben sie nicht.

Sendung am Mi., 18.9.2024 8:30 AM, SWR4 BW Studio Friedrichshafen

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