
Project Guarayos has been around for 20 years

Project Guarayos has been around for 20 years

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Project Guarayos has been around for 20 years
Ute Glock (5. Fr) – here with Laudator Volkmar Stein, his Büdinger Frauenteam, the Franziskanerinnen from Hall in Tirol and the Franziskanern from Bonn and Großkrotzenburg with moderator Johannes Welbrink – is from and thanks for the experiences at Project Guarayos. © Monika Eichenauer

The Guarayos Project lasted 20 years. Büdinger Children’s Doctor Ute Glock works with Franciscan hospitals and comes across help from a group of women who meet in the Zonde van de Kinder Spenden.

Children a future born – that is the opinion of the pediatrician Dr. Ute Glock, who has been working with children in Bolivia for 20 years, in the late American country and one of the best states on Earth. The people who are working hand in hand with Franziskaner-Schwestern die in the province of Guarayos in the 1950s. It takes a while.

The engagement of children and long-term leadership of children and youth services in child and maternal health care in Bolivia began in the year 2003 after my retirement, when he got more schicksalhaft in the year 2003 of Franziscus kanerin-Schwester Letitia in Hall in Tyrol born, died in Ascension in the province of Guarayos in Bolivian Tiefland 1957 during a mission in a hospital. 2004 followed Ute Glocks first Journey to the Hospital in Ascension. Was your child experienced, ließ sie nicht mehr los.

Work, it will not end

Childhood has already begun, we can’t go on the journey through Dorth for more than a year, they can spend a few years on a team of fellow fraudsters who can no longer use them. In Guarayos it is a passion for children and women. Dieses 20-year Engagement Valer Kräfte wurde nun in een würdigen Feierstunde mit zahlreichen Freunden, Wegbegleitern, Helfern and four Franziskanern in Festsaal des Hotels Fürstenhof gefeiert. There are many things that can be done – »Obgleich es noch jede zu tu tun und die Arbeit niu uufhören wird«, so Ute Glock,

During my first trip in 2004, the Glock became a seminar in the winter semester 2004/2005 at the Tropical Medical Institute of the Uni Gießen, the first editions and after the second trip with “was a medical equipment in the suitcase”. Gemeinsam met een Ernährungswissenschaftlerin stellte sienen Ernährungsplan auf, denn Kindergesundheit hangs unmittelbar with Ernährungszusammen. Von Anfang a war and his “nachhaltige und grundlegende Hilfe anstatt Unterstützung von Einzelfallen” important.

Zum Ernährungszentrum kamen an Entbindungsklinik with Schwangerenfürsorge, the Schule Nueva Esperanza, a Frühförderzentrum for Babies and Grandchildren and a Zentrum for Achterterte Kinder-hinzu – ermöglicht due to the expenses and in Zusammenarbeit with Franziskanerinnen in Tyrol and Bolivia.

The moderation of the feierstunde that Johannes Welbrink has had, the praise for the intensive involvement of the 84-year-old age and an unsatisfactory emsige Dr. Volkmar Stein full Hochachtung for this woman, who has a new lifestyle after his retirement and has financed it in Bolivia.

Book about experience

There is a message about the book of Ute Glock sent, that the Geschichtswerkstatt is being brought out. Darin writes, who is very prepared, in his dynamic art about his history and experience in the Swiss Zugänglichen region, less serious than the seriousness of the situation. German, when the woman is at ease, in the world of her sins, then in the moist climate »rinnt der Sweiß wohin er will«, Stein sits the Authorin, the village experiences much joy and love.

Mayor Benjamin Harris thanks the answer to the question »for his unmistakable commitment to these poor and remote matters, the idea is a real brain project. Also present were Schwester Notburga Maringele and Schwester Gertrud Schernthanner from Franziskanerkloster Hall and the Franziskaner Father Alfons Schumacher from Bonn and Father Bernardin Marker from Großkrotzenburg. They submit their words of thanks to the Order. Schwester Notburga has a large format for Ute Glock: »The power is good, and with the swinging beds, everything is climate-proof and with the roads of Gelände.« That childish self-war full of thanks for your support: »Das Projekt Guarayos ist no part of a Ute-Glock-Projekt, it is a Büdinger project. My gratitude to all who have joined in the joy of the year and said in solidarity with their spending and with their thoughts and feelings.«

Music from Bolivia

Musical figures of Feier Camillo and Gerardo, two Bolivian musicians, who live in Frankfurt, such as Tine Lott and Markus Karger. Also a dance of the group »Puerta el Sol« is sent to the program. They were who the moderator was.