
Mephistos’s Prophecy of the Climate Catastrophe

Mephistos’s Prophecy of the Climate Catastrophe

Knittlingen. Am Samstag, September 21, 10 a.m., Dr. stopped. Manfred Osten in the Vortragssaal of the Faust archives in the Mephisto-Tage in Knittlingen. The title: “In jeder Art seid Ihr verschworen, die Elemente sind mit us verschworen – Mephistos Prophetie der Klimakatastrophe und Goethes Therapie-Vorschläge”. In 1787, Goethe wrote the Zukunftsmodel of a global company, in the “world of a large hospital and one of the other human sickwärter were world”. The “great hospital” can be described as the great world metaphor of a global immune system. There are catastrophic hospital admissions: elementary Rachefeldzüge of Nature, with the prophecy of Goethe’s Mephisto. Goethe cannot help but think that nature is a universal world that relates to the world. Maps are available in the Faust Museum and Faust Archives, telephone 07043 /373-450, E-Mail: [email protected]. pm