
Youth hostels insult the choice of Ransomware Band Hunters

Youth hostels insult the choice of Ransomware Band Hunters

For three weeks there were computer problems at the Deutschen Jugendherbergswerk (DJH), about 450 youth hostels were heard; regional media reported that evening. Last night was on August 30th the server of the hostels has crashed. If you see the Ransomware-Gruppe Hunters on Darknet, it could be that the youth hostel is copying a large amount of people and data.


Darknet-Auftritt von Hunters met Jugendherbergs-Eintrag

Darknet-Auftritt von Hunters met Jugendherbergs-Eintrag

The Cybergang attackers have accessed the data from the German Jugendherberg copy software on Darknet.

(Image: Screenshot)

The SWR message gives messages about the months, the Rechnungsstellung and Buchungen are no longer functional, so that you can no longer program programs. There is a problem with a technical malfunction. The Rechenzentrum is a good father. Ursachenresearch will follow later; an IT-angriff wants to dement nor enlarge a speaker.

Hunters are now writing, a large number of men and data are being copied. You can protect the ransomware against IT security. Although the criminals do not earn money on the page, the youth hostels will now no longer have any hours about the fact that they have a date, if they are no longer correct.

In the Darknet version of the Ransomware-Gruppe Hunters, icons are described, through which the private data, personally identifiable information and financial information are leaked. 29.3 GByte Umfang solsen die copyerten Data haben. Screenshots of the real country are not greened – the Wartefrist, zum Meldungszeitpunkt noch 11 Stunden, is vermutlich first ablaufen. Read more about the production in this News section. Dort schreibt de Gruppe in een drei Tage alten Eintrag, dass sie Entschlüsselung-Keys in dieser Woche löschen will. “We would like to inform all those who may be concerned that the Entschlüsselungssoftware will be an effective solution to the problem and will not be resolved during the next week. So that you will be able to see the results, it is now the right time, that’s the way to go.” in the Nachrichtensektion.

While the Cybergang is dealing with the German youth hostels, it is not that this is not verified. There is a problem that the youth hostels can not leave unanswered. Such data protection beauftragte from NRW can not prevent fragments of heise from reacting online. If you activate the notification, you can use the answers.

Cyberattacks can take the form of an attack. The US authorities have seized the Cybergang Ransomhub with the US-American gas and oil company Halliburton. Also IT security systems are connected to the Angriffszielen. The antiviral system of Dr. Web can carry out a cyberattack on the update server for offline viral signatures, which can perform their own activations in the normal way restored.
