
TSV 1860 Munich: Giannikis will not delete the Bielefeld-Endspiel

TSV 1860 Munich: Giannikis will not delete the Bielefeld-Endspiel

Munich – Final game on the Alm – yes or no? The fact is: The TSV 1860 is in crisis, Tabellenplatz 19 speaks a clear language. The fact is this: The criticism and head coach Argirios Giannikis are monotonously strong. The TSV coach will no longer have any problem with an ultimatum on AZ-Anfrage.

TSV 1860 Munich: Trainer Giannikis: “My Kraft vergilde komplett dem Prozess en der Entwicklung”

“Davon has not heard. Mir is important, was discussed as an intern,” I am the coach for the eminent wichtigen Auswärtsspiel at Arminia Bielefeld on Saturday (4.30 pm) at the Frage, while the Löwen-Bosse himself imposes an ultimatum and observes the backing of the Vereins-spüre.

Giannikis listened to and received feedback, also the Sechzig-Geschäftsführer: “Christian Werner has passed away, we will keep the Ruhe wollen. I am happy with it, we will all be happy internally – we will be happy with the turnaround!” Kein Ultimatum too?

If the trend change in the “Vor-Wiesn-Krisn” is no longer good, Giannikis must have a trainer discussion about himself. The TSV trainer said clearly: “I do not know what the negative consequences are, the energy is in my manhood. My kraft paper is completed by the process and the development.” Critics could now voluntarily remove: What development? Make sure that Gianikis has a backstroke entrance space.

Giannikis is set in Bielefeld-Gastspiel kämpferisch

Please check your information regarding your visit to Bielefeld, was the Arminen nach dem schweren Duell mit Aufstiegsfavorit Dresden (2:3) gewiss nicht zum Lieblingsgegner Power:

Here are the Pleiten-Löwen as Vorletzter with a Sieg and four Pleiten with nice Spielen, with eleven Gegentoren in the Schießbude of the Dritten League. Giannikis: “Wir haben noch velde Aufs und Abs in den Spielen. Die Konstanz is not als die, wie wir es gerne hätten.”

The fans of the TSV 1860 should remain in the Samstag longer if they become hard in the future.

Ultras critic 1860-Verantwortliche scharf: “Lässt sich durch nichts …



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Löwen-Trainer Argirios Giannikis beim 1860-Training am Mittwoch.

Does it fly or not? So it’s a Giannikis Trainerjob in 1860



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Dort die immer noch ungeschlagenen Arminen with three victories and two draws on rank three. The team of trainer Mitch Kniat is a real euphoria in the battle against the verlustpunkt-free Spitzenreiter Erzgebirge Aue (3:1). Giannikis can end up in the service of the “Riesen-Umbruch”, and is a more verweerist: “Man, that’s the continuation in Bielefeld. If you’re right.”

Der gebürtige Nürnberger, de sachlich-ruhig wie eh and your work, says itself at least in his clashes combatively. “If you want to clear an uncertain situation and an unknown situation in the table region, one of the things you can do is to bring forward the Auswärtssieg at FC Ingolstadt (2:1):

“Wir brauchen wieder diese Energie wie in Ingolstadt.” Gleichzeitig aber auch ein Once created, if this is with the young Niederlage, hasn’t Dresden been before?

TSV 1860: (Nor) did the Mannschaft niece play against Giannikis

“Given Dresden we have a good life, our roads are lighter and lost”, so the 44-year anniversary of the work was done for the Gegentreffern. It is said: “I am training a hat man. We will live in Bielefeld and we will win.” Schließlich sei sebst auf der Alm “was zu holen.”

One of the many knives and the tatsache, which could be another example, is a point that can do a number of things. Giannikis is very happy with the flight to the front.

With the Wiedergenesen Morris Schröter, the strong debutants Soichiro Kozuki and actors with Max Reinthaler and Patrick Hobsch who played inheritance and popular players in the Startelf, who were sure to get along, was so popular at FCI, as a common Dynamo saying: That Mannschaft is not the Trainer, Einsatz und Kampfgeist sind den Giesingern nicht abzusprechen.

Een dennoch, sei es auf der Alm, or in der Engels Woche danach gegen Hannover 96 II (Mittwoch, 7 p.m.) and at BVB II (Samstag, 2 p.m.): The coach can now his job with Punkten sichern. Giannikis’ Glaube stirs in this way: “If we are not with us, we will have good manners.