
Jägerstraße: Voodoo attracts a lot of burgers from Leidenschaft

Jägerstraße: Voodoo attracts a lot of burgers from Leidenschaft

Voodoo Burger is a connection with Burger-Kreaties with nachhaltige, regional Zutaten. Gegründet von Daniel Illic entstand das Lokal aus der Leidenschaft für Burger.

VIENNA/BRIGITTENAU/PENZING. In Jägerstraße 10 in Brigittenau, Voodoo Burger offers a great Burger Creation meal, which is more like Fast Food. Founded by Daniel Ilic the Heritage History of the Local began with a loving Wunsch signaler Tochter: “Daddy, you are the best citizen of the world, but you are a citizen of the local.”

These were the dishes from which you can make your own kitchen and burger restaurant. In the year 2022, Ilic will be the first Lokal in Penzing, followed by a two-day standort in the Brigittenau, a year of fun.

Regional and consistent

The heart of Voodoo Burger is the Smashed Burger, which offers a sizzling meal and a more intense cutlery experience. Beim Smashed Burger with the Fleisch-Patty on the top grill plate was a perfect Kruste and the Geschmack was more intense.

Voodoo Burger does not impose a large amount of meat, but rather a bit on the regional scale: from daily fresh meats over a large sauce to its Dry Aged Beef from Austrian milk cows, which have lived stress-free on the pasture for up to eight years.

Smashed Burger can be a man at Jägerstraße 10. | Photo: Marlene Graupner/MeinBezirk

Think of creations with the “Easy Cheesy” or the “Bacon Bomb” which are a varied variant with the “Lady Marmelade” with Blue Cheese and Leek Marmalade. These vegan options with Beyond Meat Patties are available in Offer. Special is the team that has an active auszeichnung: “We thank you, that we are also selected by a newspaper for the best Smash Burger Austria”, says Ilic.

Voodoo Burger at Jägerstraße 10 from Montag to Donnerstag from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Freitag and Samstag from 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. geöffnet. Info:

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