
Überraschendes Comeback: Ex-Grünen-Chefin Hermenau zurück im Landtag | Regional

Überraschendes Comeback: Ex-Grünen-Chefin Hermenau zurück im Landtag | Regional

Paukenschlag in political Dresden. The frühere Fraktionschefin der Grünen im Sächsische Landtag, Antje Hermenau (60)make a comeback in parliament.

Not at all as an abgeordnete. “Damn I have abgeschlossen. If I have one of the personal friends that I have helped to erase data, the Unternehmerin will be gegenüber BILD.

While the “estimated friend” deals with Matthias Berger (56). The war was 20 years ago, Oberbürgermeister von Grimma, on September 1 at the Landtagswahl for death Freelancer An eroberte das Direktmandat im ehemaligen Muldentalkreis – immersion in CDU, AfD and SPD-Spitzenpersonal.

Wechsel vom Grimmaer Rathaus in the Saxon Landtag: Matthias Berger

Wechsel vom Grimmaer Rathaus in the Saxon Landtag: Matthias Berger

Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

“We have been talking about it for a long time, because the mandate was to be taken. It is for Matthias that he will see a long time as OB. Once it is so, that the voice is well, it is also a high value and politics is honest.”

With “wohlfeil” the financial expert thinks for all the Tatsache, that Berger’s voice is separated for more constitutional changes in Landtag goods. When the 40 mandates of the AfD were a sperminorität for a day.

A genau Haushalt and Finanzen are Hermenaus Leib- and Magenthema, who for eleven years for the Grünen in common with the nice Fraktionschefs of CDU, FDP, SPD and Linken (!) the Verhandlungen zur Einführung eben jener Schuldenbremse in der sächsische Verfassung führte.

Bruch with the Greens

My consequence was to call a halt to financial policy and end the 2014s with a black-green experiment in the free state – against the ausdrücklichen rat – lead 2015 with an English brunch with the green parties. Hermenau power is self-determination as politics, write books, gilded as Stretchy and pointed design in political TV talk shows and the candidate municipality in Dresden for the Freien Wähler.

Long hair. Nor 2014 war Antje Hermenau Spitzenkansen der Grünen in Saxony

Long hair. Nor 2014 war Antje Hermenau Spitzenkansen der Grünen in Saxony

Photo: ddp

One of the reasons why the state police would not be able to do the engagement for the recovery vehicle. “I have not planned this for one, two years. Especially: for no one and others like Matthias Berger has no power.”