
Entwickler proposes Plane – Offenbar zig Firmen interesting

Entwickler proposes Plane – Offenbar zig Firmen interesting

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Entwickler proposes Plane – Offenbar zig Firmen interesting
In the southern area of ​​the B471 near Oberschleißheim there is a trade campus. (Archive) © Gerald Förtsch

For three years, man is no longer on the new Gewerbe-Campus on the B471 near Oberschleißheim. Non-hat of the Entwickler-plank is presented.

In sieben Jahren sollen die Steuereinnahmen in Schleißheim sprudeln. Take steps to build a new site on the new area south of the B471. The Gemeinderäte is being ended. Bis auf Anmerkungen der chronic critical Grünen brauchte Investor Asto sich keinerlei Rückfragen zu put.

Apparently it all goes to the best: The first time you go through the Gewerbe-Detwickler on a positive through-road in the coming years is a positive Zwischenbericht. “Vielfältige Industrien en Innovatie” have shown interest in the “One Health & Technology Campus” (OHTC) by OHCT Managing Director Philipp Graf von Baudissin. All businesses from the area of ​​Pharma, Biotech and Medizintechnik. It is not possible to use the name of the Verschwiegenheitsvereinbarungen.

“That’s our secrecy”

For the development of the OHCT it may be that his own experiences are nice if he or she has functioned for a year; drei sind verstichen. 75 Percent of the tasks are completed. Afterwards the investor will detach his 15 hectare area from the landscape protection area and carry out a construction development. Make sure that the Landratsamt and the Landtag, again the Municipal Council, are. With building rights in the bag Asto can share the Interested Parties binding information. Only then will man die. Underlying.

Etwaige provided a best-free Research Campus like Asto-Gründer and Geschäftsführer Bernd Schulte-Middelich with the Verweis on “Industrie, die der Forschung zurbeiten” from his life. Der Investor will work together as “Cooperationspartner von Forschungseinrichtungen” and student StartUps ansiedeln. Asto paints über Erfahrungen with them Aufbau verschiedener Gewerbegebiete, darunter Martinsried. The Biotech standard is “fully invested,” says Schulte-Middelich. In addition, our southern countries have the following answers: “Wir wollen Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft verzahnen.” The OHCT as Anchor; rundherum Firmen as Kooperationspartner. “That is our secret,” said Graf von Baudissin.

“Einzigartige Chance” for the Haushalt

The Nachbarschaft for LMU, the Landesamt for Gesundheit and Lebensmittelsicherheit (LGL) and the Helmholtz Zentrum regard Asto as notorious. The fragmentation of the St. Hubertus-Straße hanging in the Schwebe has been controlled with the LGL. The Landesamt factory is a western factory in St. Hubertus-Straße in Richtung OHCT. The war started in the Sitzung in Thema. Who brought Bürgermeister Markus Böck (CSU) onto the market, started the Straßenbauamt of the year with a planungsauftrag for the Ortsumgehung.

Böck has removed the Meaning of the OHCT for the Community. There is a “lone chance” that keeps the head above water. The project is flawless because the Acceptance in big politics, the mayor is a support of all factions. “Everyone asks when it is finally released.”

The green power of the area is realized differently, it is no secret. Landscape protection is sacred. Schulte-Middelich sicherte zu, Kiebitz and Feldlärche in Ersatz-Habitate umzuquartieren. Because there is a guarantee that the implementation and the implementation of the OHCT will have to deal with welding work. Mayor Böck can offer an informative information provision.