
TOP Werkstatt 2025: rund 38.000 Betriebe unter der Lupe / auto motor und sport listet …

TOP Werkstatt 2025: rund 38.000 Betriebe unter der Lupe / auto motor und sport listet …

Motor Presse Stuttgart, CAR MOTOR AND SPORT

TOP Werkstatt 2025: rund 38.000 Betriebe unter der Lupe / auto motor und sport listet die best Kfz-Werkstätten in Deutschland

Stuttgart, Germany (ots)

There are times when the female and male readers of car motor and sports a cumbersome orientation in the often hectic work after the proper workstation for your vehicle. In cooperation with the Institut QuantiQuest, the overview is TOP Work Status 2025 with the best cattle 1,800 Betrieben. See all the inheritances that strengthen the criticism of the study.

The current edition of car motor and sports view eight detailed information about the work statistics and the study. Heft 21/2024 is available in the trade (available as E-paper) or under The around 1,800 qualified companies are supported under

“A trip to the workshop is often one of the most common problems, for everything that is. Was I treated well and fairly? Is the service team with its standard technical technique up to date? Do I want to be transparent about the costs and tattoos that are not performed correctly? TOP Work Status 2025 in Vorfeld Antworten,” says Carina Belluomo, Editor in the Mobility & Service Ressort at car motor and sportsThis study has been conducted again. “The quality of the work reports has improved in a positive way. It has happened before: the last time it was a while ago that the Top-Werkstätten of 1800 were in the second row. I am as shocked as the Vertrags- and Servicepartner.”

Zur Erhebung von Basicinformationen has een 38,000 Werkstattbetreiber zunächst konkrete Fragen zu ihren Leistungen, Zertifizierungen und Weiterbildungen oder der Ersatzteilschilderügbarkeit. Zudem wurden Standorte, Markenbindung, Offnungszeiten und Kontaktwege abgefragt. Zur Bewertung der Werkstätten kam künstliche Intelligenz zum Einsatz: Mittels eines trainierten Sprachmodells (“Large Language Model”) can be carried out 3.5 Millionen Kundenurteile ausgewählter and under more relevant Online-Portale nach zehn Haupt- and Sechs Zusatzkategorien analyzes are carried out. The basis of the Schwerpunkt auf der Tonalität der Bewertungen: positive, neutral, negative. The quality of the results is subject to constant manual control by a specially developed team of experts, which means that the coding also becomes the language model of the study-optimized.

Ergoben and ausgewertet were particularly affected by the following criteria:

  • Work stattleistung with Leistungsqualität and Google rating of 12 months
  • Service quality with honesty and personal friendship, honesty, fairness and transparency, purity and order, timeliness and flexibility, additional services
  • Price-performance ratio

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Gaby Willems
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