
Warnstreik im Ticker: Berliner Senat sees ways Kita-Streiks vor Gericht

Warnstreik im Ticker: Berliner Senat sees ways Kita-Streiks vor Gericht

Berliner Senat sees roads Kita-Streiks for Gericht

10:04 PM: The Berlin Senate will put up an uncontested fight in the joint fight against the rule of law. The Senate Administration for Finance has appealed to the Berlin Labor Court to obtain final relief, with Senator Stefan Evers (CDU) mit.

“If there is an unreliable pursuit of the many warnings of the letzten Wochen zu extreme Belastungen Tausender Kinder and Eltern, that the Betreuung nicht gesichert ist and nicht ohne weiteres durch Eltern or der Verwandte abgefedert were kann“, this is in one of the financial business.

After the einschätzung has spoken a reihe of the gründen dafür, the unreliable blockage is right-widrig sein könnte. So it is possible that the Right of Eltern and Children will become an intolerable problem. Make sure you don’t miss the work of one of the best high-burden solutions through a rate difference.

“The country of Berlin was constantly changing for conversations on a real basis, the tax situation for the social security of the Kita-Eigenbetriebe would also be affected,” says Evers. “The Mitgliedschaft Berlins in der Tarifgemeinschaft deutscher Länder (TdL) darf dabei allendings nicht gefährdet.“

Senator could not regret his Kita-Streik an

1:06 PM: The communities of Kitas in Berlin were treated as a team of children in the communities where they lived. The knowledgeable Bildungssenatorin Katharina Günther-Wünsch in the Abgeordnetenhaus and. “I can make my own decisions, because my own interests are possible, but they are also important,” thus the CDU policy. “After all, it will be explained in detail below 100 percent.”

The Vorstellung der Gewerkschaften, completely for the products of the Children a Notbetreuung vorzuhalten, sei “blank Hohn”, says the Senator in more. This detour is not one of the children’s topics regarding the use, of Eltern with system-relevant upheavals or alleinerziehenden. “Oberstes Ziel” is the Berliner Familien who gives Streiks the best possible respect for his children’s children. If you are kind, inform the Kita-Leitungen about the Eltern and review them in the Planungen.

Knapp zehn Prozent der bound 2,900 Kitas in Berlin heard zu sogenannten kommunalen Eigenbetrieben. There are between 7,000 Erzieherinnen and Erzieher anyway weitere Beschäftigte etwa 35,000 Kinder – there is a Fünftel for the Berliner Kita-Kinder. The overload was caused by leisure activities, which were not affected by Streik.

CDU-Fraktionschef greift Gewerkschaft weg Kita-Streiks An

Donnerstag, September 26, 10:47 am: Der von der Gewerkschaften Verdi und auch der GEW angekündigte unbefristete Streik in kommunalen Kitas stößt auf Kritik im Abgeordnetenhaus. “I stop thinking about Verdi in the first place because of illegitimacy, unreliability and responsibility,” said CDU faction leader Dirk Stettner in a debate in the Abgeordnetenhaus. Leidtragese seien Eltern und Kinder, aber de Beschäftigten, de von Verdi instrumentalisiert würden. ‘I saw Kita-Krise. We live in a Verdi-Krise“, so Stettner. The work is not even a problem, a note in the affected Kitas residents.

The Grünen-Abgeordnete Marianne Burkert-Eulitz supported the work. “The execution of the work after the execution of the Arbeitsbedingungen, a settlement of the settlement agreements and a charge has been settled,” you say. In the Kita-Landschaft, an institution, in the Krankenstand and the Zahl der Dauerranken, becomes so high that the residual Personal in a “Dauerbelastungsschleife” is behind it. If it’s an issue, the Senate will spend a long time talking.

Tomorrow Verdi and GEW can start, which will make an unsatisfactory effort one of the days to meet Kitas, who will now definitely start on the Montag. The work for a rate or other connections for better working conditions, smaller Kita-Gruppen and other Entlastungen der Beschäftigten.

Great solution for an exciting Kita-Streik

11.22 pm: After a conversation with the representative of the Bildungsverwaltung, the Gewerkschaft Verdi or Vorbereitungen für unsatisfied Streik in kommunalen Kitas ab kommendem Montag fort. The meetings have been very neglected, such as Verdi speaker Kalle Kunkel in the Anschluss. The company is now a connected sister organization of the Senate, with Verdi in the decision-making process regarding the charges and the applicable labor provisions for property rights. Andernfalls became a man in the Donnerstag that we wanted to separate further.

Knapp zehn Prozent der bound 2,900 Kitas in Berlin heard zu sogenannten kommunalen Eigenbetrieben. There are between 7,000 Erzieherinnen and Erzieher anyway weitere Beschäftigte etwa 35,000 Children – and a Fünftel aller Kita-Kinder. The übrigen Einrichtungen became von freien Trägern berieben.

The trade cases and GEWs offered by the Senate can last for a number of years, with a rate for the best Arbeitsbedingungen in the standard outstanding trade packages. Go to other rules for group sizes and zum Ausgleich von Taxungen were anchored. The Senate is responsible for the approval of the Mitgliedschaft Berlins in the Tarifgemeinschaft deutscher Länder bisher ab – the Hauptstadt könne hier keinen Sonderweg gehen. If you signal Verdi, if the man was not caught on a tariff, then this is another problem in the sin of guilt.

VW and IG Metall start Tarifrunde – Sparpläne im Fokus

Mittwoch, September 25, 6:51 am: Volkswagen and IG Metall meet in Hannover to discuss the new Haustarif at the Autobauer. After the thrift of the konzers is solved, the problems can be solved. Statts nur über das Entgelt soll über die von VW kündigte Beschäftigungssicherung were traded.

Europe’s largest car manufacturer in the core of VW with high costs for camping and maintenance work on Kündigungen and Werkschließungen are no longer aus. The IG Metall will prevent both and ensure that they earn more money for the 120,000 Civilians. The Friedenspflicht at Volkswagen lauft End November aus. Ab Dezember was then a warning signal.

Read more about the warning zones on the next page.