
Job-Start-Börse Umland startet – Titisee-Neustadt

An extensive spectrum and an overview of the possibilities for students and students at the Job-Start-Börse kenlernen. On October 1 and 2, the Veranstaltung Halt will take place in the Kurhaus in Titisee-Neustadt.

In der kommenden Woche öffnet die Job-Start-Börse Umland wieder ihre Türen. The Veranstaltung focuses on a student and teacher of the region and offers a platform, a local community that will know the practical, educational and educational information, and is in the knowledge. Start with the Veranstaltung on Dienstag, October 1, from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Kurhaus in Titisee-Neustadt. Auch am Mittwoch, 2. Oktober was born from 8.30 am to 12 pm.

If there are more than 200 years associated with the Job-Start-Börse, this is one of the ways you feel. But for all profitable Schülerinnen and Schüler in any case Eltern. It may happen that the Job-Start-Börse takes place as an orientation run for fruitful expenditure. You can inform your information about the expenses and deal directly with the corporate bonds and the expenses related to the sale. Fragen zu Erwartungen, Perspektiven und Vergütungen can be klaärt.

It is one of the most common characteristics: from craftsmen and craftsmen to healthcare and banking to their Tätigkeiten in the metal and construction industries who are active in retail. If all goes well, most young people are incomprehensible that they were eaten.

The Schirmherrschaft über de Veranstaltungssorte has regional politics Vertreter: Landrat Christian Ante unterstützt de Veranstaltung in Titisee-Neustadt. The Job-Start-Börse Umland is a yearly initiative of BZ.medien, of the AOK South-Oberrhein, the Federal Agency for Labor Freiburg, of FWTM GmbH & Co.KG, of the Handwerkskammer Freiburg, of the IHK South-Oberrhein and the Sparkasse Freiburg-Nördlicher Breisgau.

Ressort: Titisee-Neustadt

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