
Willkommen im Dschungel” is a complete analysis. Erkennst du si?

Willkommen im Dschungel” is a complete analysis. Erkennst du si?

“Jumanji” (1995) featured a war film in the great art of Robin Williams. The modern Neuauflage von 2017 is original with zahlreichen Anspielungen and Hommagen. Have you found all references?

“Jumanji: The Next Level” drops on SAT.1 at 8:15 PM!

“Jumanji”: Vom Brettspiel zur Videospiel-Welt

Schlingpflanzen, Monsunrengüsse, Treibsand, Erdbeben, een wahnsinniger Jäger und velde wilde Tiere: The magical Brettspiel “Jumanji” The war for Darsteller Robin Williams and Kirsten Dunst in 1995 was a real Dschungelprüfung. Rund 22 Years später follow the modernization Forsetzung “Jumanji: Willkommen im Dschungel” starring Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black, Kevin Hart, Karen Gillan and Nick Jonas.

Während im ersten een magical Brettspiel dafürte, dass de Protagonist: innen in een Parallelwelt voller Abenteuer were sucked, is the Auslöser in “Jumanji: Willkommen im Dschungel” ein Video game. Zum Charme des Streifens tragedie verstecken Geheimnisse If you can no longer use the Kino-Erflg a year later. Hand on Herz: Have you done everything?

Very interesting: “Gotham Knights” and Co. – These are the best video films.

Here is the trailer for “Jumanji: Willkommen im Dschungel”

Tribute to Robin Williams

In “Jumanji: Willkommen im Dschungel” there is one Hommage an den Schauspieler subsumed by “Jumanji” with Blockbuster power: Robin Williams. The four main characters: it affects Alex (Nick Jonas), the first one to do it, that’s what Baumhaus by Alan Parrish constructed. In Holz eingraviert stehen zdem die Worte “Alan Parish was here”. Display the names of the character, den Robin Williams is original compacted. This is a long time in the game “Jumanji” fest. The parish also lived alone in the wilderness for 26 years.

US actor Robin Williams as Alan Parrish, in the film "Jumanji" (1995) for 26 years in an unedited world, bis ihn seine Kinder befreiten.
US actor Robin Williams as Alan Parrish, from the film “Jumanji” (1995) for 26 years in an unedited world, which is set in his childhood.© photo alliance / dpa

We are talking about King Kong and Dinos “Gute Nacht” legends

Während das dense Grün in “Jumanji: Willkommen im Dschungel” Assoziationen zu einem afrikanische Dschungel weckt, ist der where Drehort a superstructure: The tropical Wälder and Berge des private nature conservation areas Kualoa Ranch on the Luvküste von O’ahu in Hawaii. Cinematographer: In the film, you can see how it works: Auch Filme wie “Jurassic Park” and “King Kong” see the Series “Lost” use this picturesque landscape for the beautiful landscape.

Want more news from Monstaverse? Here we betray the leadership, who Wurde Godzilla from the Gummi-Echse zum Kult-Monster. A war of the Godzilla Cult in Japan is therefore a matter of life.

Bösewicht is not enough for weight

Bobby Cannavale, known from the Marvel Universe’s “Ant-Man” series, played the main character in “Jumanji: Willkommen in Dschungel.” Der Name blessing signs, Russel Van Peltis a source of inspiration for the original antagonists of the first “Jumanji”-Films, bösen Brettspiel-Jäger Van Pelt. Was the new Van Pelt as strong as the previous Bösewicht: Russel Van Pelt is very keen on his nature, but also supreme natural strength.

Verstecte Werbung for “Uncharted: A Thief’s End”

Der Teenager Spencer, as being in the Parallelwelt von “Jumanji” in Dr. Smolder Bravestone (Dwayne Johnson) walks, hat in his Zimmer one Video game poster hang: “Uncharted: The End of a Thief”. Kein Wunder, now the Playstation game from the Studios Naughty Dog, is a fact Sony productunder the film “Jumanji: Willkommen im Dschungel”. Sony headphones and Xperia smartphones are not likely to serve as “requirements”.

Fun fact: Neither etwas connects the four parts of the video game “Uncharted” and the two “Jumanji”-Film: Der Composer of the soundtracks ist in both Fällen Henry Jackman.

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The Kreis is closed

When the first and second parts of “Jumanji” are known, it will be a genauer engagement party that will die Openingsszene von “Jumanji: Willkommen im Dschungel” has put an end to the first films. The end of the class of 1995 by Alan (Robin Williams) with the Brettspiel and a soul and verses the suit in a Fluss. In der letzten Szene alldings wird das Play a single strand of fun.

This is the beginning of “Jumanji: Willkommen im Dschungel” hereafter Play in the sand an ebendiesem Beach. Dort is financed by Alex’s father, who takes over Sohn (Colin Hanks, the Avatar in Nick Jonas’s game Dargestellt Wird).

Der Olifant in Raum

Look for a lost place in the Landkarte and find the Spieler in “Jumanji: Willkommen im Dschungel” a Elephant figure. This is an element of the film’s Brettspiel. Achtung, Spoiler: Später stellt itself heraus, thats the lost element no one else war as Alex.

However, a brand name user on Reddit is on: The elephant figures are gehörte Im the first “Jumanji” movie by Robin Williams played Alander – who is Alex in the second half – goes missing before the new player comes close.

A jump into a Brettspiel

Relatively speaking in the film, a comrade said an interesting interest Detail: The room zooms in on the wild nature in the bird’s eye view and insulting, that’s who Ordnung des DschungelsIn their own right, they have found the game figures Ordnung des Brettspiels from the original film engspricht. Entcovert hat dies der X-Account “Film Easter Eggs & Details”.

Dieser Inhalt comes from external advertisements via Facebook, Instagram or YouTube. Active personalization and inhalation of the CMP standards, one of these inhaled analyses.

Die Botschaft soll offenbar sein: Das Play the game – egal, by Brettspiel or video game.

Lara Croft grüssen

Karen Gillan starred in “Jumanji: Willkommen im Dschungel” Ruby Roundhousethe avatar of Teenagers Martha. Ihr Outfit looks for the Leinwand no more than the size of the sucking, but it is an inner discharge Weibliche Ikone der Videospiel-Geschichte woke: Lara Croftthe main character in the game and movie “Tomb Raider”.

Darauf, that’s it sparse coating If Wildnis is geeignet, if you play the figure yourself, if you have found a fragment yourself, you can find a “halbes shirt” and ultrakurze shorts in one of the shoes. Gedeutet would die Szene as Anspielung auf de Sexualisierung weiblicher Videospiel-figures.

Was haben Ruby Roundhouse (l.) aus "Jumanji" and Lara Croft from "Grave robber" common sense? There is no question of campffähigkeiten, but of all the beautiful qualities.
Were Ruby Roundhouse (l.) from “Jumanji” and Lara Croft from “Tomb Raider” in common? There is no question of campffähigkeiten, but of all the beautiful qualities.© photo alliance / Everett Collection | ©Columbia Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection / Mary Evans/AF Archive/Paramount | AF archive

Familienaufstellung as a video game

I am part of “Jumanji” with Jonathan Hyde zwei Charaktere: het Brettspiel-Bösewicht Van Pelt und Alans Vater in de real world. Die Double role symbolizes Alans poisoned Beziehung zu seinem Vater.

In “Jumanji: Willkommen im Dschungel” you will find a metaphor that combines both aspects with others. It is one of the stories of Spencer (Alex Wolff, with Dwayne Johnson as Avatar Dr. Smolder Bravestone) and Fridge (Ser’Darius Blain, with Kevin Hart as Avatar Franklin “Mouse” Finbar). Van Pelt’s Backstory erzählt, that is früher Dr. Bravestone’s best Friend war. Das spoke auf die Look at the Spencer swiss and the refrigerator: Auch die both were in der Kindheit engste Freunde, before später auseinanderdrifteten.

A good cause for everything that Nun Lust has achieved, these and other Easter Eggs on your own Faust zu erkunden: “Jumanji: The Next Level” can be a man September 29 at 8:15 PM Uhr auf Joyn I’m live streaming!

Watch “Jumanji: The Next Level” at 8:15 PM in livestream and: