
Gold prize: First Gewinn-Mitnahmen at US-Terminmarkt

Gold prize: First Gewinn-Mitnahmen at US-Terminmarkt

After an awards ceremony in the next gold prize in the Freitag on 1 Prozent zurück. Was it possible at the US Terminal Market?

Goldpreis Rally

There are even more Rekordhochs in the corridors of the Goldpreis. If you can start falling out of the new course, this is not possible. Freitag would then be the first “Gewinnmitnahmen” on the US-Terminmarkt. If the margin error starts this Entwicklung, it has not been taken out of the air.

We analyze the early years in the US Gold Futures Trade. We will endeavor to update our CoT dates as of September 24. Be sure to set the position of the major handler groups.

Gold, Goldpreis, Goldbarren (Image: Goldreporter)
The gold price has started rising since 30 years. The short seller may have a great opportunity. The (small) Rücksetzer am Freitag hat noch not so fall zu bedeuten.

CoT Dating

So the Net-Short-Position of “Commercials” has found a new 1.3 Prozent on 339,706 contracts.

This trading started on March 3, 2020. As of March 3, 2020, the “Swap Dealers” (by Großbanken) have been sold in the sales position with 259,676 contracts. Damit seehen we have been there since 2013 we will continue to analyze a new record. Aktuell stehen the Swap Dealers with der beachtlichen Menge von umgerechnet 807 Tonnen Gold auf der Verkaufsseite.

On the net long position of the “large speculations”, an amount of 1.7 percent is placed on 315,390 contracts. This concerns “Managed Money” (Hedge Fund, Investmentgesellschaften) with 219,029 shares (681 tons of gold) on the market. If all goes well, you will see this in the extreme case.

Gold, COMEX, CoT Dating Gold, COMEX, CoT-Daten, Commercials, Speculators, Gold-Options

Open interest

Währenddessen stieg der Open Interest, als de Summe aller offenen Standard-Gold-Kontrakte an der COMEX, een weitere 5 Prozent zurück auf 564.640 Kontrakte. Aber bis zum Handelsschluss am Freitag ging es um 3.6 Prozent zurück auf 544.313 Contract. I am a Vorwochenvergleich (Freitag bis Freitag) field of Open Interest um 2.6 Prozent.

Gold Options

After the sale the last time you bought the offers in the gold options trade, it was reduced – an amount of 16 percent on 1,009,622 options. The Put/Call ratio is 0.654 (previous: 0.661). This means that there are 100 Put Options and 153 Call Options (Vorwoche: 151). If you see that you will generally see higher gold price optimism in gold options trading. Allerdings would have the Laws on a sinking Gold Prize, will be slightly replaced.

Gold Prize Entwicklung

During the Donnerstag at the US-Terminmarkt you will find more Rekordhochs in the following list. From 2,694.90 US-Dollar per Unze (26.09.24) or 2,412.12 Euro (from 25.09.24) – jewelery Dezember-Kontrakt. The Freitag Schloss der Goldpreis then with 2,668.10 US dollars. Das heißt, der Kurs beendete den Handel 1 Prozent unter Vortag. Days are very difficult to cope with during the previous week, nor in the end a Kursanstieg von 0.8 Prozent.

Gold, Goldpreis, COMEX, Gold Futures
Goldpreis in US-Dollar, US-Futures, Wochenchart: Nach sechs Rekordtagen in Folge kam der Goldpreis am Freitag um 1 Prozent zurück. Immediately after trading, the next step will be easier (Quelle: CME Group)


Below are the gold stocks in the COMEX-Tresoren nachs Wochen with fallen Zahlen nun um 280,000 Unzen risegen auf 17.17 Millionen Unzen. You can obtain such a strong Auslieferung und Kunden verügbaren Gold-Bestände of the Category “eligible” for an amount of 80,000 Unit of 9.5 Million Unzen (all run units).

Bei an open interest of 544,313 contracts for trading in futures traders and the der vergangen trade agreements 54,431,300 a gold in the form of standard futures (100 unzen pro Vertrag). This means that the gold futures trade on the COMEX is worth 31.5 euros due to the long term deposit (Vorwoche: 30 euros).


This substantiation is possible because there is a judicial investigation, which is now a brute of the future-oriented developments that can be physically processed. The heißt, am End des Kontrakt-Monats schließen die Parteien ihre Positioning hauptsächlich per Barausgleich. He who is in advance can cast a man in a different light.

So report the Börsenaufsicht CFTC for the Kontraktmonat September nun abschließend 4.234 Anträge auf physische Auslieferung von Gold. Damit kamen in der vergangen Woche noch 143 hinzu (Vorwoche: 122). If gold is in the market now, it will do well in the long run, the surge in gold trading can happen on the COMEX market. All orders are available now for new contracts October are now available 8,276 “Delivery notices” for.

Zum Vergleich: Im bisherigen Rekordmonat (June 2020) files Händler 55.102-mal aufphysical Auslieferung des als Futures gehandelten Goldes.


The Freitag is safe with the course before the Monatswechsel and after the beach race during the Rekord-Rally that achieved the first victory. The problem we encounter is that it is one of the most common phenomena that acts or becomes an anschlussverkäufe.

How can you win the Gold Prize Entwicklung zum Wochenauftakt? Montagabend, Fed President Jerome Powell gave a speech at the National Association for Business Economics (NABE) in Nashville, Tennessee. A service provider in the USA is the ISM-Einkaufsmanager-Index and the JOLT vacancies in August (offene Stellen). The Freitag message is then the new US Labor Market message.