
Rekordmann Obst dreht auf: Bayern deklassieren Barcelona

Rekordmann Obst dreht auf: Bayern deklassieren Barcelona

Weltmeister Obst walked absurd eleven Dreipunktewürfe and set a EuroLeague record.

Angeführt von Rekordmann Andreas Obst hat Basketball-Meister Bavaria Munich the magical EuroLeague night is new SAP garden gefeiert. The team of Trainer Gordon Herbert I am the classiest Friday pine FC Barcelona with 100:78 (48:38).

Weltmeester Obst kam auf 34 Punkte, on the other hand, is absurd eleven of 16 Dreiern (68.8 Prozent). Damit has been new for 28 years Record dumbbell for the most walks of three punktwerk in a EuroLeague-Spiel.

Nach dem Spiel schnappte Obst such a hole Playball as Think. “I muss mit meiner Freundin nor do I have any problems, but we will find a good compromise,” says the National player at MagentaSport. It is a matter of chance that the record is not aware, the first time the party attracts attention, the party notices itself. “It’s a happy experience,” says Obst.

Die Bavaria shame if it doesn’t work out Siegen In the EuroLeague Heimspielen we continue in the new Arena. Insgesamt lie die Münchner with nun eight Siegen and three defeats become more apparent at the Play-off Course. Zuvor hatten die Bavaria go to other Top Clubs Real Madrid, Olympiakos Piraeus and Paris Basketball geschlagen.