
VALORANT: Patch 9.10: Reg Shield, Agent Updates and Gameplay Adjustments

VALORANT: Patch 9.10: Reg Shield, Agent Updates and Gameplay Adjustments

Heuut – VALORANT Patch 9.10 brings a Vielzahl of Anpassungen, which gives agents Phoenix, Sage, Cypher and Omen the new Reg-Shield. There are many gameplay systems, maps and waffen available.

The new Patch 9.10 for VALORANT brings with it a Vielzahl von Anpassungen for Agents and Gameplay system. If you take the time to optimize, there is a balanced game of your gewährleisten. The larger Neuerungen that hit Reg-Schild, if the new defensive option offers an action, will look at the following cases with agents Phoenix, Sage, Cypher and others. Letting the souls go provides strategic options for gameplay during game separations.

With the new patch, the Reg Shield can be found in the store. It costs 650 Credits and absorbs 25 Lebenspunkte (LP), before the Spieler Schaden and the Gesundheit erleidet. The Schild regenerates after a short recovery and uses his 50 LP to recover his hair. The Reg Shield is the tactical potential of the defense mechanisms that offers another option for the feature films, an effective Schäden exercise.

One of the tests of VALORANT agents ensures great acceptance. Cyphers Fähigkeit “Fallendraht” would have been so long ago that the time period for the butt game would have been increased. Dies soll Gegnern die Chance geben, de Fallen gezielt zu durchbrechen. If the cost for Cyphers is the ultimate ‘Neuronaler Diebstahl’, it is true that others find the final solution.

Sage has overcome a disagreement, a display issue would be frightening. If the “Verlangsamungsphäre” requires the Bewegung of Gegnern by 50%, it was a very effective way to use intensive Duellant power. Once the “Heilsphäre” has disappeared, the soft drink from the Selbstheilung is now more Lebenspunkte restores.

Phoenix continues to struggle as Duellant, a dominant role on the Schlachtfeld is born. By using the “Heiße Hände”, Phoenix can now play with fire and regenerate his lifeblood. The problems are very annoying, neither offensive attacking players nor team member gliders are effective in their development.

Make sure the agent updates appear on the map and gameplay system. The card “Sunset” was a representation of the Beleuchtung, but the representation for the game was such that the description was as good as possible. The gameplay system has received a number of messages containing the camp message, the first of which is the best information available, a solution to finding a solution to the stature.

The issues in pastoral care are that the government’s attention is focused on controlling and carrying out tactical separations on the ground. In addition to dueling with Jett and Neon, which were quickly signposted, these passages were paved, which was a new challenge for the Verteidiger Schafft.

Once VALORANT’s Waffen Arsenal has appeared on the new Patch. The pistols are a higher option when moving, a gaming console for the performance and display of the display. The Phantom will disappear over time, standing in the shadow of the machine. These passages can help the game, because they can separate the uninterrupted Waffentypes and finance tactical Entscheidungen.

Was Reg-Schild in VALORANT Patch 9.10?
The Reg Shield is a new defensive option that can be used for 650 Credits. 25 LP is absorbed and regenerated if a charge is 50 LP.

Which agents would need a new patch?
Agents Cypher, Sage, Phoenix, Omen, Deadlock and Jett are active. Incorporating balance into your game will improve the balance in the game.

What business should we do at the Waffen?
The gun is a higher option when moving, a security mechanism for your machine. As the Phantom passes by, there is an indication of the damage that can be caused by the figures.

What are the maps in Patch 9.10?
The card “Sunset” has an extended view, a representation of the description you need.

How was the Kampfbericht changed?
The camp report was said to have been so long ago that the best information is only visible after the incident. Die soll sicherstellen, dass Spieler keine uneineine Informationsvorteile erhalten.