
Do you want to stay longer, longer and more attractive?

Do you want to stay longer, longer and more attractive?

After opening the last Garden Hummelbienchen, Steversterne and Figaros at the Forum of the Rupert-Neudeck-Gymnasiums and visiting the autoscooter sessions at the Martinimarktmontag, the notulner carnivalists are now more motivated at the Rosenmontagszug vor. A statement about the Karnevalsgesellschaft (KG) Nottuln the weighty Frage: “Schaffen wires, the Zug cleaner, longer and more attractive zu gestalten?”

In a Mitteilung-ruft the Nottulner KG alle Vereine, Verbände, Gruppen und Nachbarschaften die alle Einrichtungen met Schulen en Kitas dazu auf, sich aktiv am Rosenmontagszug zu beteiligen and thus a great Gemeinschaftserlebnis mitzugestalten. Der Rosenmontagszug is found in that session on 3. März statt. Written information Inka Prochnow vom Vorstand der KG remembers that this is the reason why people should be able to meet their needs. I think that Kita-Gruppen came more from Nottuln and Appelhülsen and that they took care of Freude.

Mitmachen power Spaß

„Ob als Fußgruppe or der fellleicht sogar mit einem bunten Wagen − wir freuen uns über jeden Teilnehmer. Everyone got tired of who got power, in the Rosenmontagsumzug mission or -mitzufahren. Mitmachen cann wirklich jeder“, concretet der KG-Vorstand and frut themselves from some Rückmeldungen. A teilnahmegebühr would not be able to spend more on the KG group that has a kilo-kilogram carton with wurf material.

The form and more information about the Rosenmont tags and the Sicherheitsanforderungen and the Karnevalswagen may be interesting for Groups and Persons at the KG Nottuln. Contact: Schriftführerin Inka Prochnow, telephone 01 71/6 45 95 91, e-mail [email protected]. Register at Rosenmontagszug on January 31.

The calculated and diversified technical groundwork for all Zugteilnehmer will take place on January 23 (Donnerstag) at 8 p.m. in the Ratsschänke Böcker-Menke statt.

Fröhliche Feiern in der Mehrzweckhalle

The KG Notuln has found all Karnevals friends at the Veranstaltungen in the Mehrzweckhalle des Gymnasiums. All since dazu will come. It was found on February 21 (Friday) at 6 pm from the Carnival children’s disco; am February 22 (Samstag) from 15 Uhr the Kinderkarneval, from 20.11 Uhr the Karnevalsrevue; am February 23 (Sonntag) at 2:30 PM Uhr der Karneval der Begegnung.