
Hesse: Hesse on Mallorca on the highway storben – Angeklagte bestreiten Mord

Hesse: Hesse on Mallorca on the highway storben – Angeklagte bestreiten Mord

Status: 11/27/2024 4:36 PM

Two men are going to use a young man from Northern Hesse on the highway in Mallorca – there is a new route. Zum Prozessauftakt will slow down time, the 20 years will have jumped voluntarily.

In Palma de Mallorca I started preparing for the month, which started in October 2022 at the age of 20 from Guxhagen (Schwalm-Eder). If we want to drive a charity car on a motorway in Northern Hesse, that’s how it is.

Zum Prozessauftakt would both be worth it, the 20 years were voluntary to get the Fahrt sprung from the Wagen. The Verteidigung offers a free speech for both men.

The Anklage is confused because it gets the Absicht, the possibilities they offer. The Staatsanwaltschaft is the family of options that a 25-year prison sentence produces. Zudem solen both men die with a value of 200,000 euros.

It has never been clarified, who was in the Lieferwagen for the 20 years, was the motivation of the Täter War. Laut Verteidigung, both men of the tourists wollten in their hotel, they get hit in the street. The police are not happy about it, but I would like to have more information about it. They will be responsible for the protection of the Police Guard as well as for the safety of the Civil Guard.

Schwierige Such nights Tat suspects

The war in Northern Hesse started years ago in Urlaub at the Spanish holiday park, when the motorway was financed. The War of the Spanish Police took place during the war. The man who lives on the Fahrbahn lies about becoming an unbelievable car.

The Ermittler went to work when going from Mann to Guxhagen during a Party Night at Ballermann in the center of Palma, while on the highway.

“We are always talking directly about it, but it never dies if an accident is possible,” said the Mallorca Zeitung de Familie. “There weren’t people on a highway turning on the highway and their hearts hinging.”

Kameraaufnahmen Helfen at Ermittlungen

The police and the safe rooms, the 20 years at the Ballermann bei der Suche nach a mitgereisten Kumpel zeizen.

Three minutes later, the picture is available, the German traffic will continue until 22.30 Kilometers later on the Autobahn MA-19 Direction Palma and the Playa de Palma by car.

The Strecke was only just in the Zeit zu Fuß zurücklegen, said Ángel Ruiz, Leader of the Mordkommission der Nationalpolizei, in October 2023.

100,000 Number painter überprüft

Kurz zuvor hatte sin Team the two Tatverdächtigen festgenommen. If they both have the incentive to come, the Ermittler must have 100,000 number painters who have a Verkehrskameras überprüfen.

So stay informed about the most common Tatfahrzeug – let an augenzeugen be a whiter Lieferwagen, from the Deutsche auf the Fahrbahn war.

The two Spanier are sitting at the Festnahme in Untersuchungshaft. That Urteil will have fallen in two weeks.