
Location for Saudi Villa: Diversion –

Location for Saudi Villa: Diversion –

A Saudi Arabian Prinz wants to build a holiday home in the Gemeinde im Upper Austrian area. A name after the Unternehmer from the region is Vermittler auf. A landwirt can make a grünlandgrondstück possible and then an enormous amount of widmet.

If you have an attachment with the besthenden file file, on behalf of man, then the project of the hotel project and the area as Bauland with Sonderbetrieb Tourismus-widmete. I will pay the Prinz one-time more as Millionen Schilling (approximately 364,000 Euro) and then 500,000 Schilling (36,336.42 Euro) bzw. später 50,000 Euro per year to the Gemeinde.

Anzeige von BH presented Fall ins Rollen

The project war in the region has been going on for a long time, but this is a message from the media. The Wirtschafts- und Korruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft have existed since 2023 during an Anzeige der Bezirkshauptmannschaft Vöcklabruck in the Rahmen der Gemeindeprüfung davon. If there is a question, it is a nice civil road, gifts and amtsmissbrauch. Tourism is “vorgeschoben” and the offers are a Zweitwohnsitz-gewesen, so der Anklagevertreter.

If you have a nature conservation protection in the field of health care protection: there is a protection against the best health care immunization, which reimburses the area as a hotel widget, but it is a matter of a Zweitwohnsitz wish. Das Ergebnis seiner Expertise war “finite”, erinnerte sich.

If you see the nature conservation, the project has been “like a larger Eingriff in the landscape picture negativ zu Turneilen”. If this is not the case, it will be corrected, but the Richter will be erased. Antwort: The project is intended to be carried out by negative nature conservation institutions, while it is not a Seltenheit wish. In this autumn, man has been deprived of his economic and political interests.

Offenbar politique Rückendeckung bis zur Staatsspitze

When the war became clear, the mothers of the Landeshauptmannstellvertreter Christoph Leitl (ÖVP) de Sache were not separated from wool, under the introduced Landesregierung. There may be a malfunction in the operation of the device. If the company of the „Hotel“ company is a company that the Grundstücksdeal a bit, the Prinz has a large Grundstück with a click on the Mondsee and the abolition of the openness of affairs. So it was a free market. “If it is a good thing, a Bauern nach dem others zu befragen, ob es eine Möglichkeit gibt” and see a Vorbesitzer geaten. Then you may have a different position.

Der Zeuge painted the project is positive and falls as politically gewünscht: “Vom Außenministerium, Doktor Schüssel (Wolfgang, ÖVP, Anm.)” has done his best to show the Federal Presidents Thomas Klestil “all informed” matters. The Außenministerium is pretty much a problem, if the problem with the guest’s package is resolved. If we have been here on Urlaub, it is a secrecy verification that is not good, and a Defense Minister of Saudi Arabia has been here or the King’s Emperor.

Targeted Bone Diversion a

The aim of the ex-Ortschef is focused on the promotion of a diversionary maneuver, when accountability dominates – that is the fear – and a cash bag of 6,000 euros. “Wir haben all gesehen, that here it was forbidden. “Für Umwidmung wird Geld wird, sever fell Geld”, said the Oberstaatsanwalt. Der Angiek has never made a start, “there is a mitgemacht”. Dennoch wolle is a diversionary maneuver “nicht verschließen”. The Verteidiger who is there, that is the opinion of others, ‘actually they are the Geschäft gemacht hat. Everything is good together.”

The processing may fulfill an official function when entering the sales display. If the ex-mayor of the Geldbuße bezahlt, his paint would be in his possession.