
Start-up from Bremen sells Grünkohl-Socken

Start-up from Bremen sells Grünkohl-Socken

Motif with local color

Start-up from Bremen sells Grünkohl-Socken

27.11.2024 – 16:29 UhrLesedauer: 1 Min.

Roman Hurka shepherded a woman Anne Elise Wiedemann-Hurka from Start-up "oool" gründet.Vergroßern des Bildes

Roman Hurka founded the start-up “ooley” with a woman Anne Elise Wiedemann-Hurka. (Quelle: Björn Hake)

A bisschen Heimatgefühl can slow down Bremer and the Fußen: The Socken eines Start-ups go with local motivations. This is the best way to choose from the sorting.

Anna Elise Wiedemann-Hurka and Roman Hurka are Ehe- en Geschäftspartner Zugleich. Both sell their designs in 150 stores and online. In the sorting of the Bremer Start-ups “ooley” you found the Sockenherz, it was asked – a great motivation for the local population.

You can use the Tennis Socks from Bio-Baumwolle with Grünkohler Weser Motif. Auch Nordsee-Socken finds its range. The Grünkohl-Socke is no longer believed in Bremen and in the Umland. If it is good to be in Munich, erzählt Roman Hurka.

The different motivation is on socks made from organic bamboo wool, on tennis socks made from green shrimp or on vegan “Wollsocken”. “Das Herzstück no longer has any products in the Garne, they have been separated from the Haptik and the Tragekomfort,” says Anna Elise Wiedemann-Hurka. Man has built up great production in Asia and the long term in a family business in Italy with great expertise.

The Ehepaar Hurka, which has waged a war on Lake Constance in Bremen, has made a good start with its socks start-up in the Hanseatic city. And that, in Bremen, is Modestadt in Berlin or Düsseldorf. “Wir zeizen, that’s Bremen auch Mode kann,” says Roman Hurka.

The Räumlichkeiten of “ooley” can be found during the summer in the Schuppen in the Bremen Überseestadt.