
QIAGEN offers new tools for transmitting digital PCR assays and NGS panels for microbial analyses

QIAGEN offers new tools for transmitting digital PCR assays and NGS panels for microbial analyses

QIAGEN offers the market’s first design tool for individual digital PCR assays, equipped with powerful design algorithms for various microbial analyzes and skill-specific NGS panels // First Custom Assay Design Tool for microbial dPCR assays with high flexibility in digital PCR analysis of bacteria, pilzlichen and viral diseases // QIAseq xHYB Custom Mbiotic Panels ermöglichen hochauflösende Sequenzierung by the Abdeckung mehrerer kompletter Genome und überwinden damit Abdeckungslücken, die at Standardpanels häufig auftreten

VENLO, Niederlande, Nov. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — QIAGEN (NYSE: QGEN; Frankfurt Prime Standard: QIA) has found a new job for the company and the ordering of individual discharges that can be carried out, the microbial Analyze bacteria, pilzlichen and viral Souls unterstützen.

These new tools are suitable for analyzes and analyses, your tests and panels for the analysis of the digital PCR system QIAcuity uses Next-Generation Sequencing Systems (NGS) and other Anbieter individual analyses. If you use more than 700 dPCR assays, the microbial soul will be displayed on the GeneGlobe platform at

Thanks for the new product that contains digital PCR (dPCR) with nanoplates for even more microbial souls. The Anwendungen reichen von Abwassertests über de Lebensmittelproductie bis his zur Analyze von mensschlichen Krankheitsergern. With Nanoplatten-dPCR you can see a selection of bacteria in the study with lower biomass and high quality of PCR inhibitors from the standard curve and with higher gnawing and treatment mean values.

“The research and follow-up, follow-up and scientific research of microorganisms can be extremely special. “Customer and better tools, which provide individual welds, provide scientific knowledge and knowledge that allow for orderly flexibility, a healthy approach to progress and the development pace,” says Nitin Sood, Senior Vice President and Leader of the Geschäftsbereichs Life Sciences at QIAGEN. “With the Einführung, design tools for customized dPCR microbial assays and the new QIAseq xHYB panels are available that can help and improve the Anforderungen. We will give our Angebot a prize, a favor and live a useless life beyond that.”

Now you hear the tools:

  • Design tool for custom dPCR microbial assays – The first design tool for individual test tests is light on external and external sources, reagents for your specific microbial soul in the workplace and is specifically designed for bacterial, physiological and viral soul aspects.

    The software of the design tools is based on a rigorously and thoroughly tested algorithm, which is specially developed for microbiology. Forscherinnen and Forscher benefit from a user-friendly and intuitive tool, with these quick tests that can be performed individually, which are highly sensitive and specific and can be used off-targets.

  • QIAseq xHYB custom microbial panels – Students and professionals can fully set up your NGS Panels themselves and therefore benefit from the conveniences that other Providers offer at Panels. Other panels are for the later genome one of the best results that can be achieved and often have a great impact on the background. The strong algorithm of the QIAseq xHYB Custom Mbiotic Panels has become light and clear, your tests have often become full-fledged genomes to work in and be found as high as possible in the development of the microorganisms that are there.

QIAGEN has developed a portfolio and dPCR assays using laboratory research, which involves the analysis of research and the analysis of the results. In September there will be more than 100 new valid digital QIAcuity dPCR assays for Krebsforschung, for aggravated actual disorders, for the coverage of infectious diseases and for other secondary effects. These new credit and microbial tests include the quality level, multiplexing quality, possible quality of individual analyses, handling and sensitivity, which all QIAcuity products produce.

The individual digital PCR tests as well as the test panels and tests are available on QIAGEN’s GeneGlobe web portal ( with extensive tests with a database of more than 10,000 biological genes, biological genes, miRNAs and Signal Roads, integrated.


QIAGEN NV, a Dutch holding company, is a prosperous company engaged in extracting molecular molecular research from biological research. QIAGEN’s research technology ensures the processing and processing of DNA, RNA and proteins from Blut, Gewebe and other substances. Testing technology can perform this biomolecular analysis and analysis. Bioinformatics solutions and financial databases help interpret dating with more relevant and practically useful research. Automation integrations integrate these cost-effective testing workflows. QIAGEN makes more than 500,000 people available with the Bereichen Molekulare Diagnostik (Gesundheitsfürsorge) and Life Sciences (akademie Forschung, pharmakologische Fund und industrial Anwendungen, hauptsächlich Forensik) for Verfügung. Zum 30. September 2024 beschäftigte QIAGEN weltweit more than 5,800 employees in über 35 Standorten. More information about QIAGEN can be found at

Forward-looking statement

One of the options in the press conference in the Sinne von Section 27A of the US Securities Act (US-Wertpapergesetz) from 1933 in ergänzter Fassung and Section 21E of the US Securities Exchange Act (US-Börsengesetz) from 1934 in ergänzter Fassung als zukunftsgericht Aussagen (“forward-looking statements”). In addition, the information regarding the assessment of QIAGEN products, including the response to the COVID-19 pandemic related products, the time plan for marketing and development, regulatory developments, financial and operative forecasts, forecasts, expansions, Kollaborationen, Markte, Stratege or operative Ergebnisse zijn, eeninschließlich aber nicht begrenzt auf die zu erwartenden Ergebnisse for the bereinigten Nettoumsatz and the bereinigten wastewässerten Gewinn je Aktie, geschieht die op de Basis der Zeitiger Erwartungen and Annahmen, the risk of insecurity and risks is one of the following: risks in business operations with management and international trade activities (einschließlich Auswirkungen von Währungsschwankungen and der Abhängigkeit von regulatorische sowie Logistikprozessen); Schwankungen der Betriebsergebnisse und je Verteilung auf unsere Kundengruppen; the market research for our products and knowledge in academic Research, Pharma, Testing and Molecular Diagnostics; Changes in our budget, our customers and our strategic partners, our business knowledge, faster our technology, our knowledge of our environment and our QIAGEN products sonsfactory), the Möglichkeit, the regulatory Zulassung for our products, Schwierigkeiten bei der Anpassung von QIAGENs Products an integrierte Lösungen and the Herstellung Solcher Produkte, the Fähigkeit des Unternehmens, new Products zu entwickeln, umzusetzen and if you use the product of the lawtbewerber, so you can get the wettbewerb can see, the market is new products and the integration of technical and technological skills; Maßnahmen von Regierungen; global or regional economic development; Wetter- or transportbedingte Verzögerungen, Naturkatastrofen, politiken Krisen or Krisen in Bereich der öffentlichen Gesundheit, eenschließlich des Ausmaßes und der Dauer der COVID-19-pandemic und – 3 – je Auswirkungen auf de Nachfrage nach unseren Products und other Apekte our Geschäfts, or other Ereignisse higher Gewalt; so who has the power, it is worth getting into the market with the young or old Acquisitions, not who has made a real effort; and other Factors, refer to the “Risk Factors” in the Annual Report Form 20-F. More information can be found in messages sent by QIAGEN to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (US-Börsenaufsichtsbehörde).

Category: Business

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