
Experience Sie Korsika, the Island of Contrast

Experience Sie Korsika, the Island of Contrast

Korsika can find one of the best ways to explore the country, traumhaften Stränden und anmutender Küstenlandschaft. Whoever has a natural land inland in the middle lake will first start a war. Experience the Korsika mit Rhomberg Reisen von seiner schönsten Seite. Ihr Quartier “Zum Störrischen Esel” began to last more than 60 years. The holiday home is now located a few minutes from an idyllic harbor of Calvi, in an unobstructed area of ​​the backwater bathing beaches and is a perfect base for the flight. Enjoy your time with the charming Örtchen Ile Rousse, and enjoy a panorama tour that covers the West Coast and cost a visit with a glass of wine.

Das Angebot

  • Flug ab/bis Graz
  • 7 Nights in Bungalow B (other Categories on Anfrage)
  • Frühstücks- und Abendbuffet as well as Mittagessen (entirely with Abwesenheit)
  • 3 fired Ausflüge lt. Program (Änderungen vorbehalten)

Reisezeitraum & Preise

Price pro Person I am a double zimmer:
4. to 11. 5. um 1249 Euro
11. to 18. 5. um 1349 Euro
25.5. to 1.6. um 1349 Euro
12. to 19. 10. um 1249 Euro

Singleness: 168 euros
zzgl. 29 Euro Service Pauschale pro Person

When booking until 31. 12. Free of charge and cancellations will receive an amount of 60 Euro (up to 30 Days before Anreise).

Bitte geben Sie bei der Buchung Ihre Kleine-Zeitung-Kundennummer. Detailed program is completed.

Buchung über Gruber Reisen

Tel.: (0316) 708 999
Email: [email protected]

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