
MORNING BRIEFING – Deutschland/Europe -2-

MORNING BRIEFING – Deutschland/Europe -2-

Finanznachrichten News

DJ MORNING BRIEFING – Deutschland/Europe

Der Markt-Überblick am Morgen, together with Dow Jones Newswires.


FREITAG: In the US, Thanksgiving is now a sales statt.


Delivery Hero has set the IPO price for the beef 4.7 Billiarden Aktien on the Arab Tochter Talabat, which rumbles in december and will bring the Dubai Financial Market. The Aktien was sold at a price of 1.60 AED (UAE Dirham) for an Aktien, approximately 0.44 US Dollars. Damit lies with the IPO price at the price of 1.50 to 1.60 UAE Dirham bzw. 0.41 to 0.44 US dollars. If Delivery Hero has reached IPO volume, Talabat-Aktien’s 20 Prozent sales are now 15 Prozent sold. Gross profit has now increased from US$2.0 billion to US$1.5 billion. High at 100 Prozent, sich eine Bewertung von beef 10.2 Billiarden Dollar für Talabat, overhalb der laut Prospekt angepeilten 9.5 to 10.1 Billiarden US-Dollar. The first day of trading on the Dubai financial market took place on December 10 last year. Mindestens 95 Prozent der Aktien is a professional investor. In recent years, institutional investors have emerged as the main Cornerstone investors, investing US$250 million (AED918 million) in the share price. Delivery Hero has received a talabat-mehrheitsbeteiligung. The IPO erlös has started with the launch of Mutter Delivery Hero, which brings costs to market with its global offering. Delivery Hero will ensure that all parts are streamlined and the optimization of the capital structure used and the next best results are informed about your profitable dividends.


Inflation increased in the eurozone in November. Volkswirte was defeated by Dow Jones Newswires, while the Verbraucher price has reached a form of 0.2, it has reached 2.3 (October: 2.0) at the level of the previous levels. There are many inflation wars that will cause a sharp increase in energy prices in November 2023. The core value has an estimate of 2.8 (2.7). Prognostic predictions. The more favorable prices in Germany and Spain were more widespread: In Germany there was a harmonious sales price index (HVPI) between inflation and inflation, but in Spain it remained strong there. The EZB has survived inflation in the second half of 2025. In this month, the macro projects in the Volkswirtschaftlichen stakes were noticed, but it could happen that people’s expectations would be there.


11:00 DE/MTU Aero Engines AG, Strategy Update 2025


- DE 
  08:00 Einzelhandelsumsatz Oktober 
     saisonbereinigt real 
     PROGNOSE: -0,5% gg Vm 
     zuvor:  +1,3% gg Vm 
  08:00 Import-/Exportpreise Oktober 
     PROGNOSE:   k.A. 
     zuvor:  -0,4% gg Vm/-1,3% gg Vj 
  09:55 Arbeitsmarktdaten November 
     Arbeitslosenzahl saisonbereinigt 
     PROGNOSE: +20.000 gg Vm 
     zuvor:  +27.000 gg Vm 
     Arbeitslosenquote saisonbereinigt 
     PROGNOSE: 6,2% 
     zuvor:  6,1% 
- FR 
  08:45 Verbraucherpreise (vorläufig) November 
     PROGNOSE:   k.A. 
     zuvor:  +0,2% gg Vm/+1,2% gg Vj 
     PROGNOSE:   k.A./+1,7% gg Vj 
     zuvor:  +0,3% gg Vm/+1,6% gg Vj 
- CH 
  09:00 BIP 
     PROGNOSE:   k.A. 
     zuvor:  +0,7% gg Vq/+1,8% gg Vj 
- EU 
  11:00 Verbraucherpreise Eurozone (Vorabschätzung) November 
     PROGNOSE: -0,2%gg Vm/+2,3% gg Vj 
     zuvor:  +0,3%gg Vm/+2,0% gg Vj 
     Kernrate (ohne Energie, Nahrung, Alkohol, Tabak) 
     PROGNOSE:    k.A./+2,8% gg Vj 
     zuvor:  +0,2%gg Vm/+2,7% gg Vj 
- IT 
  11:00 Verbraucherpreise (vorläufig) November 
     PROGNOSE:    k.A./+1,3% gg Vj 
     zuvor:  +0,3% gg Vm/+1,0% gg Vj 


INDEX            Stand  +/- 
DAX-Future        19.451,00 -0,1% 
E-Mini-Future S&P-500   6.030,00 +0,2% 
E-Mini-Future Nsdq-100  20.894,25 +0,4% 
Nikkei-225        38.184,98 -0,4% 
Schanghai-Composite    3.337,41 +1,3% 
Hang-Seng-Index     19.429,27 +0,3% 
            +/- Ticks 
Bund -Future        134,52  +13 
INDEX      Schluss    +/- 
DAX      19.425,73   +0,9% 
DAX-Future   19.470,00   +0,7% 
XDAX      19.429,40   +0,8% 
MDAX      26.225,82   +0,1% 
TecDAX     3.396,83   +0,2% 
EuroStoxx50   4.758,65   +0,5% 
Stoxx50     4.294,93   +0,5% 
Dow-Jones   44.722,06   -0,3% (Mittwoch) 
S&P-500-Index  5.998,74   -0,4% (Mittwoch) 
Nasdaq-Comp.  19.060,48   -0,6% (Mittwoch) 
EUREX      zuletzt +/- Ticks 
Bund-Future    134,43    +40 



Ausblick: Europe’s Börsen dürfte few changes in the Handel am Freitag start. I look at the representation of the European Verbraucherpreise in the Vormittag. I have found a minus of 0.2 percent of the form, in essence the price has increased from a value of 0.2 percent. The changes in prices in Germany and Spain were more widespread: In Germany there was a harmonious sales price index (HVPI) between inflation and inflation, but in Spain it continued to rise as expected. I act like a man myself, but I’ll be posting more about the results in the future. In the US it would be Wochenausklang whoever acts. “Wall Street’s push was becoming increasingly popular. Wall Street’s Black Friday tradition was now selling off,” QC Partners said.

Rückblick: Etwas stützend wirkte die Entspannung am französischen Anleihemarkt, nachdem am Vortag die Sorgte voor eeninem Scheitern der Haushaltsverhandlungen für Unruhe and de Märkten hatte. Add the Thanksgiving tags to the US version of US Railroads. The latest inflation data in Europe are released. Known for technology, the Stoxx Index is a 0.9 percent increase. ASMLlegen um 2.4 Prozent zu. In this message, the American American refugee flows in China are highlighted as twins in China. Airbus winnowed 4.2 Prozent. “The three-work situation can be so exciting,” so a handler. Airbus is now one of the CFM Triebwerk repairers who are convinced that the market will be offered to the market. Trotz der Zurückweisung des Gebots von Aviva über 3.28 Milliarden Pfund haussierten Direct Line met Aufschlägen von 41.4 Prozent. Barclays has come to believe that Direct Line’s board has been given a new lease of life. Aviva lost 2 Prozent. Remy Cointreau schlossen nach anfänglichen Verlusten 3 Prozent fester. The calculation of the value for the year is now with a value of 15 to 18 per cent. These estimates were minus 11.8 Prozent. Others enjoy being more than healthy during those years.


Fester – On a positive echo of the Kauf of Giant Cement by Heidelberg Materials (+1.2%). Damit construction of the Konzern seine Wettbewerbsposition in the USA weiter aus, hieß es. Hugo Boss earned 8.5 Prozent ein. Tax the article in the “Handelsblatt”. Danach has given Hugo-Boss-Chef Daniel Grieder with the best investor Rene Benko the Modemarke to exercise his own control. It is a historical forecast and Benko verraten has soll, now interests the Behörden, so the Zeitung. The Finanzmarktaufsicht Bafin has the Vernehmen nach a Vorprüfung eingeleitet. LEG Immobilien files um 0.9 Prozent. The real estate company has a hiking debt settlement worth 200 million euros in stock. The net solution will be for refinancing of connections and for all general external health benefits used.


Ruhig hat sich das nachbörsliche Geschäft am Donnerstag in Deutschland am US-Feiertag Thanksgiving said. Die Titel von Norma wurden 10 Prozent hoher. Der Konzern will go one step further in its core connection technology solutions and its Geschäftseinheit Water Management trends.

USA – AKTIEN (Mittwoch)

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

November 29, 2024 01:32 ET (06:32 GMT)

DJ MORNING BRIEFING – Deutschland/Europe -2-

Etwas leichter – An den Börsen since nach der jüngsten Rekordjagd Gewinne eingestrichen be. After the Dow Jones Index started marking 45,000 stocks, the Dow’s earnings results are here. If you read the posts from HP and Dell, all the technology titles are still available. I keep abreast of inflation and destroy the Frage nach de kurzfristigen Zinspfad der Fed. Inflation in the US started in October. The PCE deflator, the Fed’s inflation figures, are more accurate than before. The BIP data follows the BIP deflator which influences the forecasts. On the Zinstermin market, a Zinssenkung has been a 25 Basispunkte in Dezember that changes with a Wahrscheinlichkeit von beef 66 Prozent eingepreist. The economic consequences of inflation can be happening in the background, with nothing in the way of a sentence in the next month. HP brachen um 11.4 Prozent ein. Before turning off the device. Dell rutschten um 12.2 Prozent ab. Die Umsätze blieben behind de Erwartungen zurück – auch der Ausblick blieb behind den Schätzungen. The Halbleiter sector in the S&P-500 gab 1.4 Prozent nach. Go to Workday with the tools. Der Kurs sank 6.2 Prozent.

USA – ANLEIHEN (Mittwoch)

Laufzeit       Rendite   Bp zu VT Rendite VT +/-Bp YTD 
2 Jahre         4,22     -2,7    4,25   -19,8 
5 Jahre         4,12     -7,0    4,19    12,3 
7 Jahre         4,18     -6,0    4,24    20,9 
10 Jahre         4,25     -5,7    4,31    36,9 
30 Jahre         4,43     -4,9    4,48    46,2 

Die Renditen gaben deutlicher nach. A zinssenkung in this month was a fact, he was trading with a blow to the inflation data. There is a negative representation of the operation. An auction has emerged that has put an American title at a strong price 7 years ago, which is aware of the announcement on the secondary market.


DEVISEN     zuletzt    +/- %    0:00 Do, 17:15 Uhr  % YTD 
EUR/USD      1,0572    +0,2%   1,0552     1,0550  -4,3% 
EUR/JPY      158,63    -0,8%   159,94     159,85  +1,9% 
EUR/CHF      0,9317    +0,0%   0,9316     0,9320  +0,4% 
EUR/GBP      0,8316    -0,0%   0,8317     0,8321  -4,1% 
USD/JPY      150,06    -1,0%   151,54     151,54  +6,5% 
GBP/USD      1,2713    +0,2%   1,2689     1,2678  -0,1% 
USD/CNH      7,2384    -0,2%   7,2493     7,2493  +1,6% 
BTC/USD    96.238,70    +0,6% 95.659,40   95.267,30 +121,0% 
YTD bezogen auf Schlusskurs des Vortags 

The market view is that the dollar will continue to grow moderately. The Dollar Index is 0.1 Prozent. The euro costs 0.1 Prozent to 1.0553 Dollars. Recent years in the eurozone could see inflation in the grip of economic growth and the euro, said Ipek Ozkardeskaya, analyst at Swissquote Bank. It became a problem that Europe spent the winter in Russia in Ukraine and the sight of Russian energy came into the world. The gas reserves used were the prices and the extended prices in the high voltage, so the analysts. A single situation may arise with the financial problems of the European Central Bank (EZB) and the “Schwäche des Euro Bremsen”.



ROHÖL      zuletzt VT-Settlem.   +/- %    +/- USD  % YTD 
WTI/Nymex     69,10    68,72   +0,6%     +0,38  -1,2% 
Brent/ICE     73,30    73,28   +0,0%     +0,02  -1,9% 
YTD bezogen auf Schlusskurs des Vortags 

Oil prices fell to trading volumes over the Thanksgiving holiday in the US. The price for the WTI and Brent grading is higher than 0.4 Prozent. On the market the man is now busy writing the Opec+. It became a problem, the oil cartell and the number of products sold were planted on May 5 during the next meeting. This month it was different. “The starting terms in January will be postponed in February, damn the Gruppe that can handle the new US Government on the Trade and Außenpolitik prüfen,” said Daniel Hynes and Soni Kumari of ANZ Research.


METALLE     zuletzt    Vortag   +/- %    +/- USD  % YTD 
Gold (Spot)   2.662,81   2.635,76   +1,0%     +27,05  +29,1% 
Silber (Spot)   30,66    30,23   +1,4%     +0,43  +29,0% 
Platin (Spot)   943,52    934,77   +0,9%     +8,75  -4,9% 
Kupfer-Future    4,10     4,07   +0,8%     +0,03  +3,7% 
YTD bezogen auf Schlusskurs des Vortags 

The Gold Prize remains light. The note for the feinunze is 0.3 Prozent. Because the US Notenbank adopted a new sentence on December 1, this is the ING case. Other things that saw the US inflation data from the Mittwoch had moved higher, the case for new insights was so strong that the analysts could do so.



Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz has a Thyssenkrupp appeal, Stahlproductie and Arbeitsplätze in Deutschland zu halten. The Bund gewähre dem Unternehmen statliche Unterstützung for the Transformation in its green steel production and connection dies with the Erhalt von Arbeitsplätzen. There is a dominant position in Germany, which increases the burden due to high energy costs of 3 cents, a “rundes package” for a large industrial flow will drive out in the long term.


The upgrade must be new setups after the main meeting 2025. Martin Korbmacher, the head of the young Gremiums, would never ask for Wahl again. It is gold plated for the Mitglieder Britta Lehfeldt and Aygül Özkan.


presents itself with a new structurally leaner auf. It is possible to know that both segments are present. This is because we have more and more confidence in the role of the Konzern COO. Demented, Michael Ulverich divorced “I am the best in his life” with the end of the monates from the Unternehmen.


will start with the core connection technology concepts and further development of the Geschäftseinheit Water Management. Many opportunities have been released for further development of the Geschäftsbereiche Industry Applications and Mobility & New Energy, which create great synergies.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 29, 2024 01:32 ET (06:32 GMT)

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