
Zentrum der Blasmusik – Schlosshotel Zeillern nach eight Monaten Umbau feierlich eröffnet

Zentrum der Blasmusik – Schlosshotel Zeillern nach eight Monaten Umbau feierlich eröffnet

Before eight Monats in Zeillern started the construction work at the Schlosshotel, the region in the center of the secret music and research of the Seminar Hotel began. Am Donnerstagbend wurde der Hotel- en Gastrobereich with an official party.

If you are a guest of another compatriot Anton Kasser, Michaela Hinterholzer, who is a partner at the end of Bayern, the Vertreter is the first to dare new statures Zimmer des Schlosshotels.

Bürgermeister montierte am Vorabend who letzten Fensterbänke

Including the idea of ​​the gelungen project that “Bauherr” Bürgermeister Friedrich Pallinger offers the new Pächter Tibor Horvath and Dessen Nora, who takes over the management of the hotels. Pallinger seethed: “Wir haben die Fertigstellung pünktlich auf die Minute schafft. Mein Dank is very pleased with the relief of construction companies and the work.”

If the problem arises at all, Pallinger can fix something himself with his stellvertreter Wolfgang Zeiner in the same way he drops the sofa. “Der Bauherr, our Bürgermeister, war täglich vom frühen Morgen bis in den Abend vor Ort”, by architect Thomas Tauber. Auch Michaela Hinterholzer, who had the Umbau in its harmful function as Landtagsabgeordnete tatkräftig unterstützt, erhielt von Pallinger as Thanks a Blumenstrauß.


Politprofi Michaela Hinterholzer has put the Schlossumbau building on the first display as “Geburtshelferin”.


Restaurantoffnet 365 Tage im Jahr für Gäste

Annemarie Preuer, the Schlosshotel über Jahrzehnten als Pächterin geführt hat, war ebenfalls zu Guest and ließ themselves vom new Pächter by the umgestalteten Räumlichkeiten führen. In addition to the Seminarräume and the Gewölbe, acoustic acoustics have been optimized in such a way that the Hallgeräusche more entstehen – a larger Vorteil, not nur for Vorträge, especially for the Blasmusik.

Insgesamt is now 62 Hotel zimmer, twee davon auch barrierefrei. The dining experience of the hotel room is now a very special experience. “The Schlosshotel will be open 365 days ago. If it is good, then you can say that it is possible. “I am grateful for the happiness that comes from living there,” said Vizebürgermeister Wolfgang Zeiner.


Der Musikverein Zeillern umrahmte die Feier.


8.5 million euros were invested in the Umbau financing

In four months the following projects followed with the final production of projects: the new Veranstaltungssaal, the Platz for 400 people and a wonderful Gallery, which will be completed shortly. Dieser Saal is everything for music concerts, conferences, balls and big high notes.

8.5 million euros will be invested in the Umbau investment, which will be supported by the countries of the Lower Austria, the cultural region and the ecoplus, while the Gelderland will also be used for the musical instruments. Der Gastro- und Hotelbereich finances the Gemeinde.

Strict Control of the Bundesdenkmalamts

Het Schloss bleibt der zentrale Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Blasmusik in Lower Austria, the office where Ort is angesiedel. Auch der Wintergarten wurde fully erneuert, and a larger Saal in the Rezeption area lädt Hotel guests zum Frühstück ein. Eine Bar offers the opportunity to make a gem of Glas Wein am Abend.

Preserve the reconstruction during the war of conversion of the previous Bundesdenkmalamts, the many years of the war in the original form – under the facade, the freshly designed world.

The community of the castle is now a new entity and in all respects, a whole new community. An even bigger problem, if the new Veranstaltungssaal is a little different, is the kommende Frühjahr plant. The “little” open-air celebration, accompanied by the musical chapel, and with great conversation and a delicious buffet.