
FDP General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai tritt zurück

FDP General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai tritt zurück

There is a repeat of the Ampel-Aus with vor

FDP General Secretariat reports on Rücktritt

Für Verschärfungen beim Bürgergeld: FDP-Generalsekretär Bijan Djir-Sarai (Archivfoto)

Bijan Djir-Sarai tritt zurück

Hannes P Albert/dpa

Partei-Beben for the FDP!

After the young liberals Bijan Djir-Sarai (48) were released, the Amt passed over as General Secretariat of the FDP to the 48-year-olds of the Druck. If you follow the D-Day paper, with the part of the Ampel-aus-vorbereitet, it is nach RTL information with such a stronger Wirkung zurück.

Rücktritts-Forderungen aus der eigenen Partei

After the FDP published a report, one of the plants from the Ampel Coalition was described, with criticism of its own Reihen and Djir-Sarai-laut. Franziska Brandmann, Vorsitzende der Jungen Liberalen, erklärt auf Another disadvantage of the partnership is that Bijan Djir-Sarai, as a JuLi-Bundesvorsitzende dazu, was asked to make decisions.”

And that is what general safety no longer does!

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