
RTL gibt „Dschungelcamp“-Start bekannt: Fan-Traum wird wahr

RTL gibt „Dschungelcamp“-Start bekannt: Fan-Traum wird wahr

It has been a year since the new DAS was the highlight of the TV calendar: the “Dschungelcamp” or “I am a star – Holt mich here raus”. Those Candidates and Candidates are neither secret nor secret. But least of all the start date that RTL has now been forgotten.

And that is a matter of overload. Start with the “Dschungelcamp” in diesem Jahr but right spät. The stars were seen in the Australian Dschungel on January 24, 2025.

RTL has broadcast the “Dschungelcamp” in Primetime

And that’s an extra. Scheinbar war das Legenden-Dschungelcamp, das RTL in the summer lasts for years, so it was a kind of vorbildfunction. The day will be called “Dschungelcamp” in Diesem Jahr taglich um 20.15 Uhr ausgestrahlt. Ellenlanges Aufbleiben is also in Diesem Jahr Geschichte. It’s great for the fans.

++ ESC: RTL teilt Spoiler for the German Vorentscheid ++

“Yes, for Primetime. Ich freue mich schon“, it is great in the comments on Instagram. Or: “Yes! Then I will never be happy again.”

Were in Diesem Jahr einzieht? Bislang hüllt sich RTL in Schweigen. Four names are no longer necessary. So the BILD reports that reality star Yeliz Koc, the GZSZ legend Nina Bott and Timur are messing around all the time.

See you in “Dschungelcamp”?

On the Donnersdag, the “Bunte” after, an exclusive message, with Lilly Becker, the ex-frau of Boris Becker falls in the camp a sick event. Exciting speculations are also well catered for. Yes, but RTL will still be available and the names will be available.

It is clear that this is the case now: I have found the Candidates who can use the moderators Sonja Zietlow and Jan Köppen in Australien am Start a few years later. We are also tense. Spatestens am 24. January 2025 at 8.15 pm We will be happy.