
Brandenburgs Pflegeeinrichtungen setzen with grüne Energy for die Zukunft!

Brandenburgs Pflegeeinrichtungen setzen with grüne Energy for die Zukunft!

Ort Oranienburg, Welzow, Cottbus, Lübben, Eberswalde, Lindow
Saxony in € 438000

A new Stern am Himmel der Energie-efffizienz erstrahlt im Evangelischen Seniorenzentrum Friedrich Weissler in Oranienburg! A hot Mittwoch will install a state-of-the-art heating facility based on a heat pump from the Social and General Secretary of State of Dr. Thomas Götz in his company. This innovative product is being financed with a quick 438,000 euros from the country program “Green Care and Hospital” and is a separate measure for costs and CO2 emissions in the future.

“The positive management in Brandenburg is one of the largest reforms in the future,” Götz said. The new mortgage payment is no longer worth energy costs, but the energy supply of senior centers is no longer provided. Matthias Welsch, Vorstand der Lafim-Diakonie, said he was grateful for the Unterstützung des Landes and how he would make the Diakonie climate neutral until 2035. “The first Erfahrungen with Warmepumpen zeizen, that these are also in Bestandsgebäuden revorragend geeignet since”, so Welsch.

Basis for further adjustments

The social and communal ministry is no longer active in the senior center in Oranienburg, but is still interesting for the Lafim Diakonie. In Welzow, Cottbus and Lübben were optimized, and photovoltaic systems were installed in Eberswalde and Lindow. 2.16 million euros will be spent on these projects, all energy-hungry energy providers will be concerned with the costs and costs.

With the “Green Care and Hospital” welfare program, approximately 65 million euros were raised in the years 2023 and 2024 for financing, a Krankenhäuser and a Pflegee equipment for the installation of the energy energy from our system. Bereits 415 Anträge with a total volume of beef 59.6 Million Euro are prepared. The raw materials are separated, fossil energy is reduced and the targeting is determined by machines.

Ort des Geschehens

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