
The AfD will continue for the years and set out the new Youth Organization

The AfD will continue for the years and set out the new Youth Organization

The AfD-Spitze will run the youth organization Junge Alternative (JA). When we see participation in the meeting in January, the JA will be active as an “official youth organization” of the AfD. If the party is in the Montagabend, it is the best way to spread the FAZ. Zuvor hatten other Medien message set.

The messages that contain a new young connection are cases of a long parallel time with JA existing soll. Auflösen can cause the AfD in JA, but it is not possible.

Done longer money in the AfD Erwägungen, a new organization after the Modell der Jungsozialisten (“Jusos”) at the SPD with establishments. If the SPD has automatically passed through the AfD-Mitglied over the past 16 and 35 years, the new Jugendbewegung, its name or name, is no longer adopted. Otherwise it is: In the youth you are willing to participate in your work. The JA chef Hannes Gnauck has done his work for his own Monaten, while the fixed cooking time more Durchgriff von oben ermögliche, and at the Ordnungsmaßnahmen wie Parteiausschlussverfahren. Bisher is the “Junge Alternative” as a Verein organizer.

It is no secret, it is in the AfD spitze that the JA money has disappeared. The “Junge Alternative” is established as a right-wing extreme by the Verfassungsschutz. With extremist measures by the Nachwuchs of the AfD, which are increasingly on the doorstep. This is one of the right-wing extremist “identity movements” of the Austrian government Martin Sellner, which has their official representatives from the AfD more broadly. When the AfD party, the Nachwuchs organization, starts work, the annual diskette will take place.

“They were ready to make a difference,” said a member of the party at the assembly of the dpa. There is no question of an Auflösung. While the JA called the AfD-Satzung “the official Youth Organization of the Alternative for Germany”, the Trennung of the JA and the Eingliederung is a new organization in the AfD a Satzungsänderung. A Solche muss auf ainem Parteitag with a Zweidtelmehrheit beschlosen.