
Do you want to know more? 5 Gründe, where you stand freshest

Do you want to know more? 5 Gründe, where you stand freshest

That Dicke Jacke is aware of his Zugeknöpft, Mütze and Schal lie while he is more ready and the trotzdem is the Gefühl von Kälte omnipresent?

De unaufregendste Erklärung dafür lautet: Der Winter is no longer suitable for the Lieblingsjahreszeiten of the own Körpers. If you speak out on the issue of enlightenment, you can no longer do so. It’s just that it doesn’t work out.

Many people think about the seriousness of the time it takes for a steady problem, while an eingreif does not last that long.

Warum du standdig frierst – 5 Gründe

1. Niedriger Blutdruck

It is often a struggle in the camps for all the young and slim women. From a solchen spricht man, when the Blut was pumped through the Körper with less than 100 to 60 mmHg.

A sogenannte hypotonia can make a mistake and has not gone into the ground. It is often the case that hands and feet are washed infrequently, but there are still other ways you can start.

So the affected people come to the morning with a lot of pain, feel very uneasy and fast and tend to be more likely to have a break and a headache.

Normally it is common for the kitchen and the coffee to be used in the form of a kitchen, which normally helps, the Kreislauf that is offered and served on the Blutdruck.

In a number of cases there is a malfunction in the thyroid gland. It may happen that the symptom is a symptom of reduced weight gain, causing high and depressive disease immunity. End-gültige Klarheit ensures that all matters now come to an end.

2. Blutarmut

Blutarmut, and also Anämie bezeichnet, can expect an Eisenmangel like Ursache. A solution can mix due to a manipulation or other strong monatsblutung.

Dem Körper feel than the Material, a pleasant rote Blutkörperchen zu bilden. When it comes to a lighter period of the Gliedmaßen, man can no longer use one hand and one hand.

Zusätzliche Anämie-Symptome sind Schwäche, Müdigkeit, ein unregulmäßiger Herzschlag, bleiche Haut, Brust- und Kopfschmerzen.

No requirements on B12 and Folsäure are sensible for the photos of the Blut-körperchen. A man who is not into the best of everything vegan and the healthy lifestyle.

Mithilfe a blutbildes is here a mangle consisting of the schlossen bzw. erkantnt and during the replacement of the parts.

3. Zu wenig Schlaf

Schlaf ist für die Regulierung der Körpertemperatur von essenzieller Bedeutung.

Schläft man you are little or irregular, which has a negative influence on your own biorhythm. Dieser wiederum steuert een complex reihe an Wechselwirkungen zischen Stoffwechsel, Hormonspiegel, Müdigkeitsgefühl and eben der Körpertemperatur.

Dr. Deborah Besson, Internist at the UCSF Medical Center, says that: “When the biorhythm sinks, the temperature sinks into the rhythm of the biorhythm, so the heart thinks, there is more to it, as long as the person is alive, the person is more comfortable Once the indoor thermostat is set incorrectly, the thermostat is fine.”

4. Weight cravings

A few rings are more suitable for a simple tattoo with a certain “Retter-Funktion”. Der Körper can give a good taste to the preparation of warm nuts.

Lightweight ten animals are also grundsätzlich or dazu, zu frösteln.

It may be that Kalorien’s hood is one of the last things required by the cooking press fabrics. Temperature control can be efficient if done right.

If we also make a diagnosis, one of the first indications is that this has led, but it is also not the case that resistance would increase.

Anders sees it every day when the Suspect has received an Essstörung. It can take a long time for an individual situation to arise.

In one of the autumn sunshine, the long term is called upon, allowing the professional psychologist Hilfe to develop.

5. Raynaud’s syndrome

Were you prepared to take care of your work with cold, dark skin with your fingers, so that you can understand the Raynaud Syndrome.

If this syndrome involves small short travel trips, we will experience the reaction of the family members in the family work or stress in normal stress.

If you have a problem, the problem may be in the hands or the tension. When the fire extinguishing water is removed, such disasters erupt and burn.

The phenomenon is that all women with young women with a blood clotting disease have to deal with people with bad rheumatism. That Ursache is unclear. As a smaller trost: most affected by the young, the symptom with fortschreitendem is affected differently.

Provide a milder treatment for an effective Kälteschutz zB through tired hands, a raw treatment and stress-protective therapies.

If you send more money, the medical treatment may shift, allowing you to refresh the blutfluss.