
Blitzern in Raunheim: We’ll be sure to pass the car!

Vorfall Traffic sunset
Uhrzeit 18:04
Ort Raunheim

In Raunheim müssen Autofahrer am heutigen Samstag, den 07. December 2024, under the merksam sein, een nicht das Tempolimit überschreiten. Latest information from, was published on the Anton-Flettner-Straße (PLZ 65479). The Blitzer was reported at 6:04 PM, and it is urgent that the wind speed of 10 km/h no longer respects, if you have time to predict the situation, to avoid high bus fares.

Equally with occasion, order Vielfahrer – no one is in favor of a Radarüberwachung fact! Blitzerfallen erleben in letzter Zeit wieder zunehmende Aufmerksamkeit, wodurch auch the Thema Radarwarner in the Fokus rückt. Whoever reports, the Einsatz-solcher Geräte in Deutschland is zwar verboten, aber der Besitz is legal. Radar alert can make one of the people help check the data. If you are divorced, the lawful payments are clear that you have a radar warning, with a cash amount of 75 euros and a point in Flensburg.

Those Risks and Punishments

The Road Traffic Ordinance (StVO) imposes strict rules regarding traffic safety. If there is a radar warning that uses the Fahrt, it is contrary to § 23 StVO. If there is a solution that no longer consists of financial penalties, then there are risks, other traffic steps will be involved. Zahlreiche modelle unter de Radarwarnern, wie der OOONO CO-Driver NO1 or der Saphe MC Verkehrsalarm, bieten interrent Funktionen and Vorzüge, but the right lichen Konsequenzen since erheblich.

In the gold-plated Zweifel: Be sure to make the best progress and ensure that the tempo is limited, so that the consequences can be great. Bleiben Sie aufmerksam and vermeiden Sie die verlockenden, aber gefährlichen Abkürzungen durch the Einsatz verbotener Geräte!

Ort des Geschehens

Quell analysis, the best report: 9
Social media comments analyzed: 166
Analysis of the analysis: 46