
30 GB & 5G for €7.99 + 3 months gift

30 GB & 5G for €7.99 + 3 months gift

Happy SIM provides an allnet and SMS flat with 30 GB 5G data volume for €7.99 per month. You can earn your money for free. Here the details.

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Happy SIM: 30 GB 5G & Allnet Flats not available

It is possible to buy and use a smartphone Tariff with more money fell 5G data volumes for little money It is a matter of a moment to click on the Angebot von Have fun SIM recruit. The Klarmobil-Tochter has an Allnet and SMS Flat-samt 30 GB 5G data volume for monatlich nur 7.99 euros im Portfolio (Angebot at Happy SIM ansehen).

Der Preis gilded price for the rate with 24 months Laufzeit as for death monatlich kündbare Option. You will fall for the variant with in no time 24 Monaten Laufzeit entscheidet, gibt’s die first three monate free of charge and the Anschlusspreis entfällt (statt 9.99 Euro).

The details of the rates in the list:

  • Netz: Telephonics
  • Provider: Happy SIM (Freenet)
  • 30GB 5G-Data volumes (max. 50 MBit/s)
  • Allnet and SMS Flat
  • EU roaming included
  • 24 Monate Laufzeit or monatlich kündbar
  • Grundgebühr pro Monat: 7.99 Euro
  • Preparation settings: free of charge for 24 months, as low as Euro 9.99

Prepaid or monatlich money, was it a better Wahl? Erfahrt es in diesem Video:

Would you like to request a Happy SIM rate deal?

The fear is that anyone can use a smartphone and use such a rate. For €7.99 per month you can become a man Rundum-Sorglos-PackageThat’s for the täglichen Gebrauch full description: Eine Allnet and SMS FlatYou can make phone calls and use SIM messages with humans rich 5G data volumes. 30 GB available for mobile applications for surfing, music and film streaming or chatting on the go. Sollte ihr jedoch weniger Datenvolumen ötigen, bietet Happy SIM auch appropriate rate for weniger Money an.

Angebot changed? Please feel free to check the tariff information or read more here:

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