
Merkel Memoirs: Schleppender Start – Buch sold in itself now 35,000 Mal am ersten Tag

Merkel Memoirs: Schleppender Start – Buch sold in itself now 35,000 Mal am ersten Tag

The great Medienpräsenz is the ‘Freiheit’ book of the Alt-Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel and his e-instigen Büroleiterin Beate Baumann is the first Verkaufstag who has become Ausnahmeerfolg on deutschsprachigen Buchmarkt. Laut der Datenbank des Dienstleisters Mediacontrol verkauften sich gerade mal 35.046 Exemplare. The target is a sum of 1.47 million euros. Although it occurs relatively often, it is all located in a certain location in the Schwankungen in the Vergleich van de tatsächlichen Verkaufen.

Zum Vergleich: The new thriller from bestselling author Sebastian Fitzek (“Das Kalendermädchen”) is available for purchase later Tag laut Mediacontrol-Daten 80.261 Mal. This generates a sum of money of more than one million euros.

In the Vergleich zu Merkelsboek it is relatively speaking, the Verkaufspreis liesgt: Der Verlag der Bundeskanzlerin, Kiepenheuer & Witsch, ruft 42 Euro pro Buch auf. Fitzek’s work was available from the Droemer Verlag for 25 Euro; was published on October 23, 2024 and has won and generated the Mediacontrol-Zahlen prize 358,232 so that everything in the main building is worth a million euros.

Buch loves Einblicke in Merkel’s Privatleben

The frühere CDU Chef explains his autobiography, after the separation from politics. Written by the gut 700 pages of the book with the title “Freiheit. Erinnerungen 1954 – 2021 “sammen mit ihrer langjährigen Vertrauten Beate Baumann. Merkel said that in his book he “verstehen man, die sich nicht jeden Tag die ganze Zeit mit Politik beschäftigen.” The Veranstaltung on November 26 in the Deutschen Theater in Berlin was moderated by the journalist Anne Will.

In the book, Merkel discusses all the important challenges and interactions in 16 years’ time as a Kanzlerin durch – the Flight Crisis 2015/2016 and who are involved in the World Economic Affairs, the Euro-oder the Ukraine Crisis. Ausführlich paints his life in the GDR. Inhaltliche exceeding de blick behind de Kulissen der Politik kaum. If you make a small purchase in your personal life in the 70s, this is a grim heel.