
Boyens Medien: Abwechslungsreiches Summerfest

Boyens Medien: Abwechslungsreiches Summerfest

The summer festival of the landfrauen in Klev is one of the statistics in Gudendorf a year later. The board would also have thought up something special for the selection of the Bee Queen. If you play a game, you can find a boule-turner statistic. The board has the boule experts from the Gudendorfer Sportverein, Ingrid Flemming, Irene Habke (in addition to being a member of the Landfrauenvereins) and Reiner Tanner, an Unterstützung.

The team trained the landfrauen to play the boule games. Auf two Boule-Bahnen were placed in a single connection between two Rings in smaller sizes. Diese Ringe were das Ziel der Boule-Kugeln. After the agriculture and the leisem-raunen were the landfrauen, but they changed and were not so good, it was absolutely not the case that a runden-boule was spielt in the normal mode.

If the big sports activities of Abends play another game in Angriff games. You can use the “Boule Experts” for your tattoo design with a gift voucher. Viel Spaß hatte de Gruppe auch weiterhin. The nevertheless aspiring Bienenkönigin Elke Oetjens, the roads of Urlaubs were not presently wary, had a Glass with Smarties organized and must have been cherished.

Other punks go to Maikäferangeln, Würfeln and the Schätzen der Smarties. The boule is a punk who dares to venture of course, but not fehlen. After the activities of the land fraud are often carried out on the ground. There is a buffet with many salatspenden der landfrauen and verschiedene sortenen grillwurst. A landfrauen makes sure that they grill and provides the rest with food, heißen grillworsten.

After all the checkers were wound up, it was exciting, while in the Zwischenzeit the Auswertung der Punkte-vorgenommen would occur. There are messages displayed on the following pages. Under Jubel and Klatschen would be the new Bienenkönigin-gekürt: Christel Knorr from Gudendorf. If you like it, you can best hang up the things and have the courage to start with the presentation of a gift.

If we look again, you can get a gift. After a few big purchases, all the landfrauen went to the house.