
Games of the Jugendfeuerwehr and the Lions Clubs: A new record in Harsefeld

Games of the Jugendfeuerwehr and the Lions Clubs: A new record in Harsefeld

No one has enjoyed anyone: Bei dem traditional Spielefest des Harsefelder Lions Clubs und der Harsefelder Jugendfeuerwehr kamen viele Familien und interessierte Besucher auf das Gelände der Harsefelder Feuerwehr “Auf der Herde” und een set a new Besucherrekord: More than 400 Children attend the Spielefest at Wettbewerb cultivation. I am Vorjahr were es 380.

During the summer and during the summer, the temperature of the harsefelder-freiwillige feuerwehr can fall to the fahrzeugschau a and the savory, the Fragen zum Einsatzgeschehen, zur Arbeit met de Gerätschaften und de Aufgaben der verschiedenen Fahrzeuge. A brand simulator can be used in the new Schutzkleidung of the Umgang with Feuer and Löscheinrichtung probieren.

But of course the other part of the German Defense Forces war all things for the children’s reserves: Enjoy playing with and without water, Eierlaufen, Fußball, Dart, Geschicklichkeitsplaye and much more. The Ausdauer at the Spiel Parkour would be great. If there was a war going on, Patience was commanded, it is a war that lasts a long time and the station is being billed. Die Kinder erhielten kostenlos Eis und Getränke von den Lions-Mitgliedern. The Eltern or Großeltern can be the Möglichkeit, in the Ruhe a Vielzahl von vorbereiteten Leckereien zu genßen.

The chairman of the Lions Clubs Harsefeld, Jan Boris Ingerowski, who had answered in one of the short answers to the minute of the preview, found that there was a lot of child’s play. There is a focus on life Thanks to the Feuerwehr and the speziell the Jugendfeuerwehr, who es immer wieder schafften, let the Ferienwochenende, together with the Lions Club celebrate a party that is organized.

The Jugendwartin der Feuerwehr Harsefeld Franziska Kück freute sich darüber, dass es gelungen sei, so vader Familie zu motivating, de Sonntagnachmittag auf de Feuerwehr-Gelände zu verringen. Brandmeister Matthias Strasdas said that he would conduct most of the conversations that a fire fighters would have with interesting civilians.

For the children, who play on all stations, it is worthwhile to make Abschluss noch Preise. The three Gewinner, Matte Banse, Frieda Götz and Milli Unger, who put together a Saisonkarte from Freibad, Hallenbad Ahlerstedt, or the Eissporthalle, used this. These were also sponsored in this year by the community.