
Experts see Swift-Konzerte as naheliegendes Soul

Experts see Swift-Konzerte as naheliegendes Soul

Die US-Sängerin sei a zentrale Vertreterin des Popfeminismus, also quasi des current Mainstream-Feminismus, said Kauer. The “Persona” Swift says that the people of all groups and their friends have ideas of new existence, “that they are black with Spaßkultur und Kapitalismus strickkt sind und damit nicht für die absolute Befreiung der Frau stehen, aber die Perspektiven eröffnen”, so that knowledge is also present. at the University of Tübingen in the field of Gender Studies. From the perspective of pop feminists, they are so clear that their friends are Swift and their fans are connected with an extremist approach to life in the future since, “also they are people who are attracted to themselves, they are emphatic with others who identify their women and have their own lifestyles.” “

That’s why Pop Feminismus is still a young phenomenon, a personal person who has lived with Madonna and who is “at home with young teenagers who are able to imagine their lives, because of the fears of Feminismus that they experience and live freely,” said Kauer to his APA. Wenn man bei der popfeministen Welle vorsichtig sein müsse, wie tief dann tatsächlich Feminismus gehe, habe diese Welle fell für weibliche Selbstentwürfe getan. Taylor Swift, “a great gay identity figure”, a support for the “American way of life” and a happy life, was a gay man with a healthy system and a “gehasstes Gender” provoziere.

Für Kauer eröffnet die Konzertabsage aber nor eine other Dimension: Swift, who himself in US-Wahlkampf prepares for the Republican Donald Trump aussprochen hat, habe diesem nun eigentlich a small Dilemma protects. The fact that Trump is as “woke” as his followers will always be able to cope with the financial burden and the concerns for their fans and their security over everything. The Absage sells, the singers who have the role of their own “All American Girl” are well versed and have a more personal relationship “oriented”. Das nehme den Republikanern nun de Wind aus den Segeln.

For the work of the Kunstuniversität Graz there is a lot of music that can serve as a field for “symbolic people who can manifest their power”: “Taylor Swift is a central pop culture icon that protects the different achievements, and also protects the tourism media – so natural as terrorists”, said the Professor for Jazz and Popular Music Research. There are also parts, where you will experience a Swift-Konzert since and not yet the Olympic Games, but the medial Aufmerksamkeit would be higher. Aber: “Music can be different from sports.”

Gerade Popmusik erlaube uns – “Aufgrund ihrer Beschaffenheit, die uns Vergnügen vermittelt, zu der wir tanzen, die wir mit in den Alltag nehmen, anlässlich der wir Freundschaftsarmbänder basteln etc.” – Connections such as knüpfen, which are different cultural practices weniger. “Swift speaks to people who are not in a strong position, as well as young people, queer people, ethnic minorities. These identify themselves with Taylor Swift, they identify themselves with people in their lives – wenn ort nur temporär”, so Doehring: “Populäre Musik erlaubt zu suchen, wer ich sein will. Aber sie verleitet auch zu Denken, dat dann alle gleich sind – dat ist auch häufiges Missverständnis, auch der Terroristen.”

Swift greife etablierte Ordnungen an, ökonomische Besitzverhältnisse, Ideen darüber, wie bisher in Partnerschaft heteronom gebt gebt. Dammit I have music, for everything that is popular, a field of public interest.

“There is a historical component of musical findings, Übergriffen bis zu Attentaten”, says Doehring. Der Wissenschafter looks at the consequences of the open background of the Platten during the Disco-Sucks-Bewegung 1979, “getragen durch een LGBT-feindliche Weiße Rockhörerschaft”, the bombenangriff of the Black Music-Club La Belle in Berlin 1986, “of GIs and ethnic minority people”, that is attentive to the Pariser Bataclan 2015 or to the Pulse in Orlando 2016, “a bekannter ‘safe space’ homosexueller Menschen”. In particular, populäre (Tanz-)Musik erlaube veld Menschen, Identitäten zu erspüren, auszustenen – “was offensive in all Fällen as Bedrohung alter Ordnungen empfunden wurde”, so der Experte, und zur – bis after 1979 stets – tödlichen Reaktion herausforderte.

Were sich – als die Experten – auch am Freitagnachmittag noch nicht offiziell zur Causa prima geäußert hatte, war indes Taylor Swift zur Absage. The answers to the offensive Social-Media-Communication are starting to change as soon as they are taken into consideration by the three Wien-Konzerte.