
Der Zusammenhang zwischen mentaler Gesundheit und Videospielen

Der Zusammenhang zwischen mentaler Gesundheit und Videospielen

People with depression are cases of various things in the everyday very hard. There may be a symptom where the symptom is not clearly visible. Leads the patient to an inability to act, the game can accomplish small tasks. These games are made and the game has become a game. Biochemical effect of the gain in a game with the effect of the hormone serotonin and dopamine. After all, the dopamine effect on the human psyche promotes motivation and activity. During communication with other games or the achievement of group souls, the community feeling can be quenched. If this problem occurs, it is possible that the activation is actively carried out.

Gaming provides Millionen Menschen in Deutschland Stressabbau

Many people are watching the international video study “Power of Play”, which was conducted by the Entertainment Software Association ESA (USA) in August 2023. This can be done with the industry associations ESAC, KGames, IGEA and Video Games Europe together. 12,800 players were asked, which have Influenza Games on the Stress Reduction. A good 1,000 German gamers are suitable for the Probanden. There is no peculiarity of the fact that experience of game steps are attracted.

Prozentuale Verteilung des Stressabbaus at Deutschen durch Gaming:

  • 16-18 years – 39%
  • 19-24 years – 41%
  • 25-34 years – 46%
  • 35-44 years – 62%
  • 45-54 years – 66%
  • 55-64 years – 58%
  • 65+ years – 46%

Quelle: Repräsentative Umfrage AudienceNet in de Auftrag der ESA; 2023

Spielen hilft, Stress, Isolationsgefühle und Angste zu lindern

Is the study research no longer necessary to clarify the fragments “Since Videospiele gesund?” with a “Yes” savory. Of the group aged 45 to 54 from Germany, 66% are losing playing time and the tension of the game is gone. In total 62% of the German Befragten with, that you are happy and after them Spiel entspannter since. Knapp 47% is played by playing with the right tension. We are already 47% of the time, that is why we play with healthy lifestyles. Damit, the Vorteile von Videospielen erneut deutlich.

You can play games with other role-playing games, missions or Cosy Games. Letztere Serves the relaxation and gezielten Entschleunigung. The community activities and the small events in the game can have a positive impact on the games at.