
I am traveling with my friends in the US and it is so

I am traveling with my friends in the US and it is so

I am traveling with my friends in the US and it is so

Danny Lehman/Getty Images

The two of us flew from London to Dallas together, one of my Schwesters and my family are with us.

They were überrascht, who was in Dallas for most of the war, Häuser, Einkaufszentren, sogar Limonadenbecher.

My Schwester has an all-you-can-eat buffet with my kids, that is not possible.

This is a machine equipment that contains an article from the US colleagues of Business Insider. There is an automatic processing and a real editing task.

The Schule war was over, and would be in Urlaubs mode. Voller provides power on the road to Flughafen Heathrow, our Zielort Dallas, my Schwester, my husband and my three days in the teens.

I am a summary of the ‘Dallas’-Fernsehsendung and courtesy, Bobby Ewing will meet, he will go to Leidwesen. It was more than 10 beautiful things that landed in Dallas Fort Worth. If my Schwager and my Schwester are in one of the times, leuchteten the Eyes of my Daughters auf – that was not the übliche Kleinwagen, the man in Great Britain.

When the war first broke out, he was shocked by a long list of things that were different from what he had been used to in London.

Das Haus meiner Schwester resembles a villa

We live in our home in Switzerland, which is the cause of the British war in Herrenhaus. Die Mädchen im Teenager meiner Schwester strömten met Umarmungen und Küssen aus der Tür. Then you can visit with your own Töchtern and suitcases in the house. A run through the sultry house, including an open-plan Keller with two Schlafzimmern, a billiard table in original size and a mini kitchen.

Then my sister swung up the double terrace and his two Mastiff-Bulldogs named Samson and Tyson followed by a sister from our daughters.

Let also

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“Mom, look how big the dogs are! Did you find the pool?” Go to the page and look at the pool with a waterfall from Felsen.

Unlimited lemonade

If a night takes place, a night on the road can take place. In the fast food restaurants there is a German offer at the Bechergrößen, where the large Becher is offered in the US on the Hit List. If there is a war going on, the man can hold two hands, one of the things he has done. But what my daughters could not understand, was that free Nachfüllen. “What? As often as possible? In every direction of eating? So fell, who will I want?“ Those people stand in the vending machines for a while and pumps die and that’s it.

“Try me in Getränk!” “Let’s try it!” “Igitt!”, they said, laughing, and then we should start.

When you were done there was an all you can eat buffet

If you have a good idea of ​​a buffet restaurant, this is one of the most surprising things you can do. You can choose from different options for food, desserts, desserts, a salad bar and desserts, even if you prefer.

My sister says: “You can fill the counter as often as you want. Man can breathe new life into the used counter.”

The Meiner family lives from the Kinnlade herunter, while the mothers stand up and are on the way of the Buffettheken powers. I could see it, however it is, and then haufenweise Essen schaufelten on my Counter. “Oh! You must try everything! “, said my niece, if we want to sell something. “Try that!”, my Schwester urged.

“Try that!”, say mein Schwager. If I am a Tisch zurückkam, mein Teller weighed a ton. Es gab Kartoffeln, bought, bought and pure. Nudeln, who fought for an hour, and Gemüse, das ich auf dem Teller aneinanderreihte. If I tell my Teller and the other things, that’s all, that the Teller of the others will all be clear. “Hi! I want to be Davon. Who has you das?”, said one of the Mädchen.

When a woman stands on the board, she goes to the buffet and continues with the next counter, which is on the table. Naturally, with the great part of the days damned, ever more and more zu essence.

If you can’t glauben, the big war is a big war

An outflow in the single-family center is like the long activity in the world of general. It is of course so that our men are busy all day and we can think – nice teenage years were in one of the following things busy. All wool überall hingehen.

“Gehen wir here entlang?”, said those Mädchen, who were so together in one gang. “No, long time here!” said another.

If you open the kiosk in the middle of the Ganges, it is so that you can find the big locks. You can apply a make-up, give a color to the augenbrauen and so put beautiful hair. Once you know how to win the Jackpot, and if you turn off the Stühle, you can do another thing to lassen.

Now that there is a party, it is so that an investigation into a free investigation is not even a problem or a half head with glazed hair. My Schwester and I cook. “We are going to Schlittschuhlaufen!”, my last cousin said.

If you go to the Parkplatz, then a Dorthin zu Fahren, you can not make a crossing of the mittens in the Einkaufszentrum of an Eislaufbahn. If you reach the last end, you can see the Wolkenkratzern der Innenstadt of Dallas in the umpteenth new commercial establishment.

“I can do that now!” I said. We can follow a few white Mauer with a swinging shield over the entrance gate, at the Southfork Ranch stand. I see my Schwester with a big grin and. We were here at Haus von Bobby Ewings.